ESP8266 annex crawl space monitor

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ESP8266 annex crawl space monitor

Post by Zim »

This will monitor the humidity, temperature and water leak in a crawl space. The humidity sensor is very sensitive and will detect changes caused by water leaks. Do not use "pullup" on water probe input pin, as it is too low in resistance. Use a resistor as shown. The probes are simply 1/2" of bare wire spaced 1/4" apart. When temperature, humidity or water is detected, it will send you a text (one per hour) until you rectify it or shut it off.

2021-03-14 11_18_58-Window.jpg

Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]

'Zim's Annex Basement monitor v1
onHtmlReload create_page
onhtmlchange update
EMAIL.SETUP "", 465, "", "zim123"               'replace with your login / password
hmset = 42   ' sets the humidity alarm threshold
tmpset = 4   ' sets the low temp alarm threshold

PIN.MODE D5, INPUT                 'pull up to 3.3v with 475K resistor for water probe (don't use pullup)
PIN(D2)= 1                                'alive indicator led
DHT.SETUP 5, 22 
tmp = DHT.TEMP:hm = DHT.HUM
pause 2000
wtr$ = "NO":wtrg = 0:ttrig = 0:htrg = 0
stat$ = "---- OK ----"
ad$ = "":nu$ = "":ti$ = "Basement"

txtbtmp$ = "text-align:center;display:block;width:54px;height:42px;font-size:30;font-weight:bold"
txtbwtr$ = "text-align:center;display:block;width:65px;height:42px;font-size:30;font-weight:bold"
txtbhm$ = "text-align:center;display:block;width:54px;height:42px;font-size:30;font-weight:bold"
txtbstat$ = "text-align:center;display:block;width:160px;height:26px;font-size:15;font-weight:bold"

gosub create_page
timer0 5000, update

A$ = ""
A$ = A$ + |<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><style>|
A$ = A$ + |body {background-color: black;}|
A$ = A$ + |p {font-size:24px;}|
A$ = A$ + |</style>|
A$ = A$ + |</style><center>|
A$ = A$ + |<center>|
A$ = A$ + |<p><font color = 'white', font size = '6'>Crawl Space Monitor</font></p>|
A$ = A$ + |</center>|
A$ = A$ + |<table align='center' width='300' height='100' bgcolor='lightgreen' border='1' cellpadding='8'>|
A$ = A$ + |<th>|
A$ = A$ + |<p>Crawl Space<br>Temp.</p></th></center>|
A$ = A$ + |<th><center>|
A$ = A$ + textbox$(tmp, "txt1")
A$ = A$ + |</th></center>|
A$ = A$ + cssid$("txt1", txtbtmp$)
A$ = A$ + |</table>|
HTML A$               'break up html 

A$ = ""
A$ = A$ + |<table align='center' width='300' height='100' bgcolor='lightgreen' border='1' cellpadding='8'>"|
A$ = A$ + |<center><th>|
A$ = A$ + |<p>Crawl Space<br>Humidity</p>|
A$ = A$ + |</th></center>|
A$ = A$ + |<th><center>|
A$ = A$ + textbox$(hm, "txt2") 
A$ = A$ + |</th></center>|
A$ = A$ + cssid$("txt2", txtbhm$)
A$ = A$ + |</table>|
A$ = A$ + |<table align='center' width='300' height='100' bgcolor='lightgreen' border='1' cellpadding='8'>"|
A$ = A$ + |<center><th>|
A$ = A$ + |<p>Water<br>Detection</p>|
A$ = A$ + |</th></center>|
A$ = A$ + |<th><center>|
A$ = A$ + textbox$(wtr$, "txt3")
A$ = A$ + |</th></center>|
A$ = A$ + cssid$("txt3", txtbwtr$)
A$ = A$ + |</table>|
HTML A$               'break up html 

A$ = ""
A$ = A$ + |<table align='center' width='300' bgcolor='lightblue' border='1' cellpadding='8'>|
A$ = A$ + |<td><center>|
A$ = A$ + |<b><big>Crawl Space Status</big></b>|
A$ = A$ + |</center><center>|
A$ = A$ + textbox$(stat$, "txt4")
A$ = A$ + cssid$("txt4", txtbstat$)
A$ = A$ + |</center></td></table>|
A$ = A$ + |<br><center>|
A$ = A$ + button$("<b><big>Turn OFF</big><b/>", offf)
A$ = A$ + |</table>|
A$ = ""
autorefresh 2000

PIN(D2)= 1
tmp = DHT.TEMP:hm = DHT.HUM
pause 2000
if (tmp < tmpset)and(stat$ = "---- OK ----") then stat$ = "Temperature Low"
if (hm > hmset)and(stat$ = "---- OK ----") then stat$ = "Humidity High"
if PIN(D5)= 0 then wtr$ = "YES" else wtr$ = "NO"
if (PIN(D5)= 0)and(stat$ = "---- OK ----") then stat$ = "Water Detected"
if (PIN(D5)= 1)and(tmp > 4)and(hm < 38) then let stat$ = "---- OK ----"               
if PIN(D5)= 0 then gosub alert_water
if tmp < tmpset then gosub alert_temp
if hm > hmset then gosub alert_hum
PIN(D2)= 0

htrg = htrg + 1
if htrg >= 720 then htrg = 0  'will email every hour
if htrg <> 1 return
html cssid$("txt2", "box-shadow: 12px 0px red;")
print EMAIL (ad$, nu$, ti$, "Basement humidity is high")
pause 100
wlog "high humidity sent"

ttrg = ttrg + 1
if ttrg >= 720 then ttrg = 0  'will email every hour
if ttrg <> 1 return
html cssid$("txt1", "box-shadow: 12px 0px red;")
print EMAIL (ad$, nu$, ti$, "Basement temperature is low")
pause 100
wlog "low temp sent"

wtrg = wtrg + 1
if wtrg >= 720 then wtrg = 0  'will email every hour
if wtrg <> 1 return
html cssid$("txt3", "box-shadow: 12px 0px red;")
print EMAIL (ad$, nu$, ti$,"Basement water detected")
pause 100
wlog "water message sent"

timer0 0 
butt$ = "background-color:lightblue;text-align:center;display:block;width:180px;height:80px;font-size:40;font-weight:bold;box-shadow: 3px 3px black;border-radius:5px;line-height:1"

A$ = A$ + |<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><style>|
A$ = A$ + |body {background-color: black;}|
A$ = A$ + |p {font-size:36px;}|
A$ = A$ + |</style>|
A$ = A$ + |<br><center>|
A$ = A$ + BUTTON$("Restart", turnon, "but1")
A$ = A$ + cssid$("but1", butt$)
A$ = A$ + |</center>|
A$ = A$ + |</body>|
A$ = A$ + |</html>|
A$ = ""
autorefresh 2000
PIN(D2)= 1
'onHtmlReload offf

'(D2)= 0

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Location: Krefeld, Germany
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Re: ESP8266 annex crawl space monitor

Post by PeterN »

Hi Zim,
Thanks for that. That gives me some inspirations.
You have successfully shown the water detection with the digital input D5 in a practical environment.
My first thought was to do this with a voltage divider on the ADC analogue input. I'm just curious if there was a reason not to go this path I have overlooked?
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