Flashing M5Core2 with Annex32 BLE CAN 1.70.5 LFS disturbs AXP192 settings

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Flashing M5Core2 with Annex32 BLE CAN 1.70.5 LFS disturbs AXP192 settings

Post by Kabron »

I dont know about other firmwares, but this one resets AXP192 settings to the state when it does not switch power on at all. So, it works only till manual power off.

Flashing to one of the original(e.g. factory test) firmwares restores operation.
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Re: Flashing M5Core2 with Annex32 BLE CAN 1.70.5 LFS disturbs AXP192 settings

Post by cicciocb »

Thanks for your feedback but the AXP192 is not fully integrated and this module (the M5Core2) is not supported.
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Re: Flashing M5Core2 with Annex32 BLE CAN 1.70.5 LFS disturbs AXP192 settings

Post by Kabron »

[Local Link Removed for Guests] wrote: [Local Link Removed for Guests]Mon Jan 20, 2025 1:31 pm module (the M5Core2) is not supported.
Did I missed something?
I allmost did the correction program. It launches AXP192.
The only problem thing is to enable LDO2 3.3V output for SD Card.
I obtain only 1.8V.
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Re: Flashing M5Core2 with Annex32 BLE CAN 1.70.5 LFS disturbs AXP192 settings

Post by cicciocb »

I even forgot that it was supported. 😄
I'm becoming old and I'm starting to forget... I probably did it while sleeping.

Yes, you are right, it seems to be supported but not completely.

This is the code I implemented to support the AXP2101 (the chip that replace the AXP192 on that module)

Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]

#define AXP2101_ADDR  0x34
#define AXP2101_LDO_CTRL_REG 0x90
#define AXP2101_BLDO1_VOLTAGE_REG 0x96

void init_AXP2102() {
	Wire.begin(21, 22); // set SDA=21 and SCL=22

	//Switch Ldo on
	Wire.requestFrom(AXP2101_ADDR, 1);
	uint8_t data = Wire.read();
	data |= 0x00011010;  // ALD2, ALD4, BLD1


	//Display Background Led Voltage 0-30 -> (500-3500mV)

Probably something is missing to support the 3.3V on the SDCARD

Edit :
The SDCARD seems to be supplied by the output ALDO4, the same of the LCD and the touchscreen so it should work
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Re: Flashing M5Core2 with Annex32 BLE CAN 1.70.5 LFS disturbs AXP192 settings

Post by Kabron »

I have an older version of M5Core2 HW. It builded around AXP192
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Re: Flashing M5Core2 with Annex32 BLE CAN 1.70.5 LFS disturbs AXP192 settings

Post by Kabron »

Finelly draft & dirty but works I used as example AXP192.cpp from M5Core2 Arduino library.

Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]

I2C.SETUP 21, 22  ' set I2C port on pins 21 and 22

wlog "Startup"

true = 1: false = 0
dat = 0



hbyte = i2C.ReadRegByte(AXP192_ADDR, 0x03)
wlog "0x03= "; hex$(hbyte)

'// AXP192 30H
i2C.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR, 0x30, (i2C.ReadRegByte(AXP192_ADDR, 0x30) and 0x04) or 0x02
wlog "axp: vbus limit off"

i2C.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR,  0x92, i2C.ReadRegByte(AXP192_ADDR, 0x30) and 0xf8
wlog "axp: gpio1 init"

'    // AXP192 GPIO2:OD OUTPUT
i2C.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR, 0x93, i2C.ReadRegByte(AXP192_ADDR, 0x93)  and 0xf8
wlog "axp: gpio2 init"

'    // AXP192 RTC CHG
i2C.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR, 0x35, (i2C.ReadRegByte(AXP192_ADDR, 0x35) and 0x1c) or 0xa2
wlog "axp: rtc battery charging enabled"

SetESPVoltage 3350
wlog "axp: esp32 power voltage was set to 3.35v"

SetLcdVoltage 2800
wlog "axp: lcd backlight voltage was set to 2.80v"

SetLDOVoltage 2, 3300  ' // Periph power voltage preset (LCD_logic, SD card)
wlog "axp: lcd logic and sdcard voltage preset to 3.3v"

SetLDOVoltage 3, 2000  ' // Vibrator power voltage preset
wlog "axp: vibrator voltage preset to 2v"

'// Select source for BUS_5V
'// 0 : use internal boost
'// 1 : powered externally
SetBusPowerMode 0

SetLDOEnable 2, true
SetDCDC3 true       '// LCD backlight
'SetLed true

SetCHGCurrent 2   'kCHG_200mA

'SetAxpPriphPower 1
'wlog "axp: lcd_logic and sdcard power enabled"

'// AXP192 GPIO4
i2C.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR, 0X95, (i2C.ReadRegByte(AXP192_ADDR, 0x95) and 0x72) or 0X84

i2C.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR, 0X36, 0X4C

i2C.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR, 0x82, 0xff

'SetLCDRSet 0
'pause 100
'SetLCDRSet 1
'pause 100

wlog "END"

'========================= SUBS ==================

'// Select source for BUS_5V
'// 0 : use internal boost
'// 1 : powered externally
sub SetBusPowerMode(state)
  '   uint8_t data;
  if (state = 0) then
    '        // Set GPIO to 3.3V (LDO OUTPUT mode)
    dat = i2C.ReadRegByte(AXP192_ADDR, 0x91)
    i2C.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR, 0x91, (dat and 0x0F) or 0xF0
    '        // Set GPIO0 to LDO OUTPUT, pullup N_VBUSEN to disable VBUS supply from
    '        // BUS_5V
    dat = i2C.ReadRegByte(AXP192_ADDR, 0x90)
    i2C.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR, 0x90, (dat and 0xF8) or 0x02
    '       // Set EXTEN to enable 5v boost
    dat = i2C.ReadRegByte(AXP192_ADDR, 0x10)
    i2C.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR, 0x10, dat or 0x04
    '        // Set EXTEN to disable 5v boost
    dat = i2C.ReadRegByte(AXP192_ADDR, 0x10)
    i2C.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR, 0x10, dat and not 0x04
    '        // Set GPIO0 to float, using enternal pulldown resistor to enable VBUS
    '        // supply from BUS_5V
    dat = i2C.ReadRegByte(AXP192_ADDR, 0x90)
    i2C.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR, 0x90, (dat and 0xF8) or 0x07
  end if
end sub

sub SetLCDRSet(state)
  reg_addr = 0x96
  gpio_bit = 0x02
  dat = i2C.ReadRegByte(AXP192_ADDR, reg_addr)
  if (state) then
    dat = dat or gpio_bit
    dat =  dat and not gpio_bit
  end if
  i2C.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR, reg_addr, dat
end sub

sub SetLDOEnable(number, state)
  mark = 0x01
  if ((number < 2) or (number > 3)) then return
  mark = mark << number
  if (state = true) then
    i2C.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR, 0x12, i2C.ReadRegByte(AXP192_ADDR, 0x12) or mark
    i2C.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR, 0x12, i2C.ReadRegByte(AXP192_ADDR, 0x12) and not mark
  end if
end sub

sub SetDCDC3(State) {
'  buf = i2C.ReadRegByte(AXP192_ADDR, 0x12)
'  if (State = true) then
'    buf = (1 << 1) or buf
'  else
'    buf = not (1 << 1) and buf
'  end if
'  i2C.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR, 0x12, buf
  i2C.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR, 0x12, 0x57 
end sub

sub SetLed(state)
  reg_addr = 0x94
'  dat = i2C.ReadRegByte(AXP192_ADDR, reg_addr)
'  if state=true then
'    dat = dat and 0XFD
'  else
'    dat = dat or 0X02
'  end if
'  i2C.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR, reg_addr, dat
  i2C.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR, reg_addr, 0x00  
end sub

sub SetCHGCurrent(state)
  dat = i2C.ReadRegByte(AXP192_ADDR, 0x33)
  dat = dat and 0xf0
  dat = dat or (state and 0x0f)
  i2C.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR, 0x33, dat
end sub

sub SetLcdVoltage(voltage)
  if (voltage >= 2500) and (voltage <= 3300) SetDCVoltage 2, voltage
end sub

sub SetESPVoltage(voltage)
  if (voltage >= 3000) and (voltage <= 3400) then SetDCVoltage 0, voltage
end sub

sub SetLDOVoltage(number, voltage)
'  calcVoltageData voltage, 3300, 1800, 100
'  vdata = dat and 0x0F
'  rdata = i2C.ReadRegByte(AXP192_ADDR, 0x28) AND 0x0F
'  wlog "0x28= "; hex$(rdata)
'  select case number
'    case 2:
'      rdata = rdata OR (vdata << 4)
'      wlog "2write= "; hex$(rdata)
'      i2c.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR, 0x28, rdata
'    case 3:
'      rdata = (rdata AND 0x0F) OR vdata
'      i2c.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR, 0x28, rdata
'  end select
      i2c.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR, 0x28, 0xFF  
end sub

'/// @param number 0=DCDC1 / 1=DCDC2 / 2=DCDC3
sub SetDCVoltage(number, voltage)

  if (number > 2) then return
  select case number
    case 0:
      addr  = 0x26
      calcVoltageData voltage, 3500, 700, 25
      vdata = dat and 0x7F
    case 1:
      addr  = 0x25
      calcVoltageData voltage, 2275, 700, 25
      vdata = dat and 0x3F
    case 2:
      addr  = 0x27
      calcVoltageData voltage, 3500, 700, 25
      vdata = dat and 0x7F
  end select
  '    // Serial.printf("result:%hhu\n", (Read8bit(addr) & 0X80) | (voltage &
  '    // 0X7F)); Serial.printf("result:%d\n", (Read8bit(addr) & 0X80) | (voltage &
  '    // 0X7F)); Serial.printf("result:%x\n", (Read8bit(addr) & 0X80) | (voltage &
  '    // 0X7F));
  i2c.WriteRegByte AXP192_ADDR, addr, (i2C.ReadRegByte(AXP192_ADDR, addr) and 0x80) or vdata
end sub

sub calcVoltageData (value, maxv, minv, ste)
  dat = 0
  if (value > maxv) then value = maxv
  if (value > minv) then dat = (value - minv) / ste
end sub

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Re: Flashing M5Core2 with Annex32 BLE CAN 1.70.5 LFS disturbs AXP192 settings

Post by cicciocb »

Very good.

After all is not so complicate to use the I2C and implement a kind of "driver" 👏
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Re: Flashing M5Core2 with Annex32 BLE CAN 1.70.5 LFS disturbs AXP192 settings

Post by Kabron »

One more solution:
ReadRegsAXP192.bas - backups AXP192 registers in a file axp192.bin
use it to save good Axp192 configuration.

WriteRegsAXP192.bas - restores configuration to axp192 from axp192.bin
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Re: Flashing M5Core2 with Annex32 BLE CAN 1.70.5 LFS disturbs AXP192 settings

Post by Kabron »

AXP192 does not stores it's settings after reboot and if you turn it off by long power btn press, you return to unconfigured device.
With no 5V, 3.3V LDO, no speaker power, etc. and have to write all setting again.

To solve it I set WriteRegsAXP192.bas as AutoRun File and launch desired program from it by executing e.g:

Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]

f$ = "/mp3_demo/gui_radio3.bas"
COMMAND  "print BAS.LOAD f$"
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