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Post by PeterN »

[Local Link Removed for Guests] wrote: [Local Link Removed for Guests]Sun Dec 15, 2024 9:15 pm Hi Peter, when I looked at the link it didn't show your question and the perplexity answer, it just showed the perplexity page where you could ask a question, probably because we were not logged on as you to see your results.
So the question and answer might have been fine, it's just that we couldn't see it.

Thanks for the clarification, Robin. It seems to me that they have changed the interface somewhat.
In fact, in its response to my question, Perplexity provided a short HTML skeleton to launch the js script.

But when I re-read Botman's post, I realised a little late that there was already a downloadable zip file at the bottom of the web page that Botman had already listed - and it was this script that Perplexity now bravely delivered.
The circle was complete :-)
This zip archive also contains the code to start a local version of the web interface.

Long story short: I should have read a little more carefully, then I could have pointed this out to botman directly - which I hope these lines have now done :-)
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Post by botman »

Peter, I unzipped the elizabot.zip archive into its own subdirectory on my PC and double-clicked the index.html file which opened a local copy of the elizabot web page in my browser with the functioning eliza demonstration. Your comments helped me to realize that it was that simple. Getting Annex to serve elizabot on a webpage is still not obvious to me, but I'm satisfied to have a way to run and experiment with a local copy on my PC for now. Thank you for your patience.
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Post by botman »

Attached is the same ELIZA that was written in BASIC language 50 years ago.
I converted it to Annex WIFI RDS for the ESP32-2432S028R original CYD board.
You can read more details about it in the program comments.
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Post by botman »

Here is a link to an article in Gizmodo about recent efforts to revive the original ELIZA code.
https://gizmodo.com/scientists-have-res ... 2000551947
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Post by PeterN »

[Local Link Removed for Guests] wrote: [Local Link Removed for Guests]Sat Jan 18, 2025 11:02 am Here is a link to an article in Gizmodo about recent efforts to revive the original ELIZA code.
https://gizmodo.com/scientists-have-res ... 2000551947

Wow, if I didn't know better, I'd think they were reporting on the discovery of the rarest dinosaur bones. No. it’s ELIZA in LISP, or was it MAD-SLIP? ;-)
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Post by botman »

It truly seems like Jurassic times for computers and AI when Dr. Weizenbaum was developing ELIZA at MIT. I was in college at that time (not MIT) using a slide rule for my personal computing. The company where I worked was using tube-type analog computers for dynamic system simulation to develop automobile cruise control and anti-lock braking systems. I had demonstrated a rudimentary interest in AI by building a machine to play TicTacToe when I was in high school. I didn't have enough knowledge or money to build it with tubes or early transistors back then, so I built it with relays and lights from old scrapped pinball machines. I still have that machine. I'm sure that it impressed my future employer enough to sponsor me for my co-op college education. Good times.
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