Greenhouse monitor - Data retrieve and display.

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Greenhouse monitor - Data retrieve and display.

Post by AndyGadget »

This is the minimal version of the receive and display side of my greenhouse monitor which is using an ESP32 and an ILI9341 (touch screen version) located in the house. I'm still working on the full version with additional screens showing temperature history, heating oil tank level (from a different project) and possibly weather forecast.

This program pulls the greenhouse data from ThingSpeak every minute and refreshes the screen if the data has been updated by the greenhouse sender, which is every 10 minutes. The screen auto-dims after 5 minutes and is restored by touching it. The program pulls data from the public version of this data so no API key is required.

The display will highlight in red if the greenhouse sender battery drops below 3.5V and I've just realised, something I intended to add is a check to flag if the sender has gone off-line. (Never happened yet though :-)

Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]

wlog time$
wlog can.stop

TP = 12   ' Time Period - Number of hours for max / min
TP = TP * 6  ' New reading every 10 minutes so 6 per hour.  This is number of array entries.
OldID$ = ""

dim IntTemp(TP) : dim ExtTemp(TP) : dim IntHum(TP)
dim ExtHum(TP) : dim DifTemp(TP) : dim AtmPres(TP)
dim IntHum(TP) : dim ExtHum(TP)


OnTouch TouchDet
timer0 60000, RequestData
gosub RequestData
pause 1000


BrtCnt = BrtCnt + 1
if BrtCnt > 5 then
  tft.brightness 50
end if

wlog "Data request"
NewData$ = wget$("" + str$(TP),443)

if instr(NewData$,"No Data") = 1 then wlog "No response from server."

ID$ = json$(NewData$,"channel.last_entry_id")

if ID$ <> OldID$ then 
  wlog newdata$ 
  IntTempMax = -100
  IntTempMin = 100
  ExtTempMax = -100
  ExtTempMin = 100
  Updated$ = mid$(json$(NewData$,"channel.updated_at"),12,5)
  for lcnt = 1 to TP
    AtmPres(lcnt) = val(json$(NewData$,"feeds.field3[" + str$(lcnt) + "]" ))
    IntTempX = val(json$(NewData$,"feeds.field4[" + str$(lcnt) + "]" ))
    if IntTempX > IntTempMax then IntTempMax = IntTempX
    if IntTempX < IntTempMin then IntTempMin = IntTempX
    IntTemp(lcnt) = IntTempX
    ExtTempX = val(json$(NewData$,"feeds.field6[" + str$(lcnt) + "]" ))
    if ExtTempX > ExtTempMax then ExtTempMax = ExtTempX
    if ExtTempX < ExtTempMin then ExtTempMin = ExtTempX
    ExtTemp(lcnt)= ExtTempX
    IntHum(lcnt) = val(json$(NewData$,"feeds.field5[" + str$(lcnt) + "]" ))
    ExtHum(lcnt) = val(json$(NewData$,"feeds.field7[" + str$(lcnt) + "]" ))
    DifTemp(lcnt) = IntTempX - ExtTempX
  next lcnt
  Batt$ = json$(NewData$,"feeds.field1[" + str$(TP) + "]" )
  Signal$ = json$(NewData$,"feeds.field2[" + str$(TP) + "]" )
  gosub Screen0
  OldID$ = ID$

tft.brightness 255
BrtCnt = 0
XPos = touch.x
YPos = touch.y
gosub Screen0

TFT.FILL green
tft.text.font 4

tft.rect 0,0,319,239,yellow
tft.rect 1,1,317,237,yellow
tft.rect 2,2,315,235,yellow
tft.line 40,32,274,32, black

tft.text.col black
PrintAtBld 40,10,"Greenhouse Monitor"
PrintAt 20,42,"At " + left$(time$,5)
PrintAt 164,42,"Int."
PrintAt 246,42,"Ext."
PrintAt 20,72,"Cur temp"
PrintAt 20,102,"Min temp"
PrintAt 20,132,"Max temp"
PrintAt 20,162,"Humidity"
PrintAt 164,72,str$(IntTemp(TP))
PrintAt 246,72,str$(ExtTemp(TP))
PrintAt 164,102,str$(IntTempMin)
PrintAt 246,102,str$(ExtTempMin)
PrintAt 164,132,str$(IntTempMax)
PrintAt 246,132,str$(ExtTempMax)
PrintAt 164,162,str$(IntHum(TP))
PrintAt 246,162,str$(ExtHum(TP))
PrintAt 192,200,"Signal " + Signal$

if val(Batt$) > 3.4 then
  PrintAt 20,200,"Battery " + Batt$ + "v"
  ' Greenhouse sender battery 3.4V or less - Needs recharging.
  tft.text.col black,red
  PrintAtBld 20,200,"Battery " + Batt$ + "v"
  tft.text.col black, green
end if


sub PrintAt(x,y,t$)
  tft.text.pos x,y
  tft.print t$
end sub

sub PrintAtBld(x,y,t$)
  tft.text.pos x,y
  tft.print t$
  tft.text.pos x+1,y
  tft.print t$
end sub

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Re: Greenhouse monitor - Data retrieve and display.

Post by Hickeyw »

Is there an ESP8266 'minimal' version of this using 'get' for thingspeak?
Maybe gabs two values?
I am able to post data successfully but can't figure out how to pull it for use on a different device.

Many thanks!
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