Squeezing the ESP8266: ESP12-F with ILI9341

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Fernando Perez
Posts: 378
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Location: Santander (Spain)
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Squeezing the ESP8266: ESP12-F with ILI9341

Post by Fernando Perez »

Little by little we are abandoning the ESP8266 in favor of the new and old models of the ESP32.
But I think we can still take advantage of these small modules, as long as our application is not very demanding in terms of resources.
This project uses an ESP12F mounted on a 2.54mm pitch breakout board, with a little tinkering to use an AMS1117 instead of the intended IC on the PCB.
But you can use any common ESP8266 module except for ESP01.
The images that I have used are included in the zip. Create a /image folder and upload them there. Or change the paths in the .bas files
The Mareas program is for my city, Santander (Spain). But if you live in a maritime zone, it is almost certain that a similar service exists in your country.
To use the OpenWeatherMap service, you have to register to obtain your own Api Key. But the free service works very well.


Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]

' File Menu.bas
nRow = 3 : nCol = 1
nOpc = (nRow+1) * (nCol+1)
dim opc$(nOpc) = "Info","Clima","Mareas","Aurora","Mario","Dimmer","1","Maximo Libre"

tft.init 5, 4, 0
tft.fill tft.rgb(0,152,152)
tft.text.size 2

foreground = tft.rgb(17,43,69)
flange     = tft.rgb(71,71,234)
background = tft.rgb(234,234,71)
tft.text.col foreground, background 

' -------------------------------------------------------
' tft.rect x, y, width, height, color, fill, round_radius
w = 90 : h = 50
for row = 0 to nRow
  for col = 0 to nCol
    nOpc = row*2 + col
    x = col*110 + 25 : y = row*70 + 25    
    x = col*110 + 20 : y = row*70 + 25
    tft.rect x, y, w, h, background, 1, 8
    tft.rect x+2, y+2, w-4, h-4, flange, 0, 8
    printCenter x, y, opc$(nOpc)
  next col
next row

touch.setup 0
ontouch pulsado


' ---------------------------
  col = 0 : row = 0
  xT = touch.x : yT = touch.y
  wlog xT
  select case xT
    case 125 to 215 : col = 1
    case 5 to 90 : col = 2
  end select
  select case yT
    case 12 to 50 : row = 1
    case 90 to 135 : row = 2
    case 165 to 210 : row = 3
    case 250 to 290 : row = 4
  end select         

  if (col>0) AND (row>0) then nOpc = row*2 + col-3
  r = bas.load "/" + opc$(nOpc) +".bas"

' ---------------------------
sub printCenter(x, y, t$)
LOCAL width, xOff

  t$ = left$(t$, 6)
  width =len(t$)
  xOff = 39-(width-1)*6
  x = x + xOff
  y = y + 16
  printDX x, y, t$
end sub

' Tips for Andygadget https://cicciocb.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=207
sub printDX(x, y, t$)
  tft.text.pos x, y
  tft.print t$
  tft.text.pos x+1, y
  tft.print t$
end sub

Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]

' File Info.bas
tft.init 5, 4, 0
background = tft.rgb(255, 255, 255)
tft.fill background
tft.bmp "/image/Annex.bmp", 10, 10
tft.text.size 2
tft.text.col tft.rgb(0, 0, 0)
printCentra2 140, "** INFO **"
tft.text.col tft.rgb(0, 0, 180)
printDX 15, 165, bas.ver$
printDX 15, 190, bas.ssid$
printDX 15, 215, word$(ip$, 1)
a$ = wget$("myexternalip.com/raw", 443)
printDX 15, 240, a$
a$ = wget$("https://ipinfo.io/" + a$ + "/geo", 443)
a$ = json$(a$, "org")
if len(a$) > 17 then
  wordWrap a$, 17, 15, 265
  printDX 15, 265, a$

touch.setup 0
ontouch pulsado


' ---------------------
  r = bas.load "/Menu.bas"

' ---------------------
sub wordWrap(t$, width, x, y)
local line$, i
  line$ = left$(t$, width)
  for i = len(line$) to 1 step -1
    if mid$(line$, i, 1) = " " then exit for
  next i
  wlog i  
  printDX x, y, left$(t$, i-1)
  y = y + 25
  printDX x, y, mid$(t$, i+1)  
end sub

' --------------------
sub printCentra2(y, t$)
  local x
  x = (240-(len(t$)*12))/2
  printDX x, y, t$
end sub
' ---------------------
sub printCentra3(y, t$)
  local x
  x = (240-(len(t$)*18.5))/2
  printBold x, y, t$
end sub
' ---------------------
' Tips for Andygadget https://cicciocb.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=207
sub printAt(x, y, t$)
  tft.text.pos x, y
  tft.print t$
end sub
' ---------------------
sub printDX(x, y, t$)
  tft.text.pos x, y
  tft.print t$
  tft.text.pos x+1, y
  tft.print t$
end sub 
' ---------------------
sub printBold(x, y, t$)
  tft.text.pos x, y
  tft.print t$
  tft.text.pos x+1, y+1
  tft.print t$
end sub

Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]

' File Clima.bas
oldTime$ = "" : oldDate$ = ""
weekDay$ = "" : month$ = "" : year$ = ""

city$ = "Santander"
meteo$ = ""
nameWind$ = ""
nameForce$ = ""
update$ = ""
C$ = " "+chr$(248)+"C"

tft.init 5, 4, 0
touch.setup 0
ontouch pulsado

background = tft.rgb(255, 255, 127)
foreground = tft.rgb(0, 0, 180)
tft.text.col foreground

timer0 1000, bucle

' ------------------------------------------
  if date$ <> oldDate$ then gosub anotherDay 
  tft.text.col background
  printDX 115, 68, oldTime$  
  tft.text.col 0
  printDX 115, 68, time$
  tft.text.col foreground  
  oldTime$ = time$ 
' ------------------------------------
  oldDate$ = date$
  today date$, weekDay$, month$, year$
  tft.fill background
  tft.text.col foreground
  tft.text.size 3
  printCentra3 10, weekDay$
  tft.text.size 2
  printAT 20, 45, left$(date$,2)+" "+month$+" "+year$
  printAT 20, 68, "Son las"
  gosub meteo
' -----------------
  update$ = time$
  meteo$ = wget$("api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=" + city$ + "&appid=" + appid$ + "&units=metric&lang=es", 80)
wlog meteo$
  tft.line 15, 93, 225, 93, tft.rgb(255,0,0)
  printAT 20, 103, "Temper.  " + json$(meteo$,"temp") + C$
  printAT 20, 126, "Presi" + chr$(162) + "n  " + json$(meteo$,"pressure") + " hPA"
  printAT 20, 149, "Humedad  " + json$(meteo$,"humidity") + " %"
  tft.line 15, 173, 225, 173, tft.rgb(255,0,0)
  printAT 20, 185, "Viento   " + str$(cint(val(json$(meteo$,"speed")) * 3.6))+ " km/H"
  printNameWind 20, 208
  printWindSpeed 20, 231
  tft.line 15, 255, 225, 255, tft.rgb(255,0,0)
  printCentra2 277, ucase$(json$(meteo$,"description"))

' ---------------------
  r = bas.load "/Menu.bas"

' ========================================
sub today(today$, weekDay$, month$, year$)
  local diaSemana, diaSemana$
  local mes, mes$
  diaSemana$ = "S"+chr$(160)+"bado,Domingo,Lunes,Martes,Mi"+chr$(130)+"rcoles,Jueves,Viernes" 
  mes$ = "Enero,Febrero,Marzo,Abril,Mayo,Junio,Julio,Agosto,Septiembre,Octubre,Noviembre,Diciembre"

  diaSemana = ((((dateunix(today$)-dateunix("01/01/00")))/(24*3600)) mod 7) + 1
  weekDay$ = word$(diaSemana$, diaSemana, ",")

  mes = val(mid$(today$, 4, 2))
  month$ = word$(mes$, mes, ",")

  year$ = "20" + right$(today$, 2)  
end sub

' ========================================
sub printWindSpeed(x, y)
  local speed, name$
  speed = cint(val(json$(meteo$, "speed")) * 3.6)
  select case speed
    case 0   to 1   : name$="Calma"
    case 2   to 5   : name$="Ventolina"
    case 6   to 11  : name$="Flojito"
    case 12  to 19  : name$="Flojo"
    case 20  to 28  : name$="Bonancible"
    case 29  to 38  : name$="Fresquito"
    case 39  to 49  : name$="Fresco"
    case 50  to 61  : name$="Frescachon"
    case 62  to 74  : name$="Temporal"
    case 75  to 88  : name$="Temporal fuerte"
    case 89  to 102 : name$="Tormenta fuerte"
    case 103 to 117 : name$="Tempor. muy duro"
    case > 118      : name$="Huracan"
  end select
  printAT x, y, name$  
end sub
' ========================================
sub printNameWind(x, y)
  local deg, name$
  deg = val(json$(meteo$, "deg"))
  select case deg
    case 0      to 11.24  : name$ = "NORTE"
    case 11.25  to 33.74  : name$ = "Norte-Nordeste"
    case 33.75  to 56.24  : name$ = "Nordeste"
    case 56.25  to 78.74  : name$ = "Este-Nordeste"
    case 78.75  to 101.24 : name$ = "ESTE"
    case 101.25 to 123.74 : name$ = "Este-Sudeste"
    case 123.75 to 146.24 : name$ = "Sudeste"
    case 146.25 to 168.74 : name$ = "Sur-Sudeste"
    case 168.75 to 191.24 : name$ = "SUR"
    case 191.25 to 213.74 : name$ = "Sur-Sudoeste"
    case 213.75 to 236.24 : name$ = "Sudoeste"
    case 236.25 to 258.74 : name$ = "Este-Sudoeste"
    case 258.75 to 281.24 : name$ = "OESTE"
    case 281.25 to 303.74 : name$ = "Oeste-Noroeste"
    case 303.75 to 326.24 : name$ = "Noroeste"
    case 326.25 to 348.74 : name$ = "Norte-Noroeste"
    case 348.75 to 360    : name$ = "NORTE"
  end select
  printAT x, y, name$
end sub

sub printCentra2(y, t$)
  local x
  x = (240-(len(t$)*12))/2
  printBold x, y, t$
end sub

sub printCentra3(y, t$)
  local x
  x = (240-(len(t$)*18.5))/2
  printBold x, y, t$
end sub

' Tips for Andygadget https://cicciocb.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=207
sub printBold(x, y, t$)
  tft.text.pos x, y
  tft.print t$
  tft.text.pos x+1, y+1
  tft.print t$
end sub

sub printAt(x, y, t$)
  tft.text.pos x, y
  tft.print t$
end sub

sub printDY(x, y, t$)
  tft.text.pos x, y
  tft.print t$
  tft.text.pos x, y+1
  tft.print t$
end sub

sub printDX(x, y, t$)
  tft.text.pos x, y
  tft.print t$
  tft.text.pos x+1, y
  tft.print t$
end sub

Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]

 ' File Mareas.bas
 background = tft.rgb(255, 255, 255)
foreground = tft.rgb(0, 0, 180)

tft.init 5, 4, 0
tft.fill background
tft.text.col foreground
tft.text.size 2
tft.bmp "/image/Marina.bmp", 10, 10

fecha$ = date$
printAt 150, 20, "Horario"
printAt 180, 50, "de"
printAt 160, 80, "Mareas"
printAT 175, 110, "d"+chr$(161)+"a"
printAt 130, 140, fecha$ 

fecha$ = "20" + right$(fecha$, 2) + mid$(fecha$, 4, 2) + left$(fecha$, 2)
id$ = "3" ' Puerto de Santander
query$ = "https://ideihm.covam.es/api-ihm/getmarea?request=gettide&amp;id="
query$ = query$ + id$ + "&amp;format=json&amp;date=" + fecha$
gosub loading
marea$ = wget$(query$, 443)
gosub loaded

gosub answer

touch.setup 0
ontouch tap

' ---------------------
  r = bas.load "/Menu.bas"
' ---------------------
  tft.text.size 3
  printCentra3 220, "Cargando"
' ---------------------
  tft.text.col background
  printCentra3 220, "Cargando"
  tft.text.col foreground
  tft.text.size 2  
' ---------------------
  printCentra2 170, "Puerto " + json$(marea$, "puerto")
  tft.line 15, 195, 225, 195, tft.rgb(255,0,0)

  for i = 1 to 4
    dato$ = ""
    altura = val(json$(marea$, "altura[" + str$(i) + "]")) + 0.05
    dato$ = dato$ + json$(marea$, "hora[" + str$(i) + "]") + " " 
    dato$ = dato$ + ucase$(json$(marea$, "tipo[" + str$(i) + "]")) + " "
    dato$ = dato$ + left$(str$(altura), 3)
    printAt 16, (24*(i-1))+210, dato$
  next i

sub printCentra2(y, t$)
  local x
  x = (240-(len(t$)*12))/2
  printDX x, y, t$
end sub
' ---------------------
sub printCentra3(y, t$)
  local x
  x = (240-(len(t$)*18.5))/2
  printBold x, y, t$
end sub
' ---------------------
' Tips for Andygadget https://cicciocb.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=207
sub printAt(x, y, t$)
  tft.text.pos x, y
  tft.print t$
end sub
' ---------------------
sub printDX(x, y, t$)
  tft.text.pos x, y
  tft.print t$
  tft.text.pos x+1, y
  tft.print t$
end sub 
' ---------------------
sub printBold(x, y, t$)
  tft.text.pos x, y
  tft.print t$
  tft.text.pos x+1, y+1
  tft.print t$
end sub

Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]

' File Aurora.bas
city$ = "Santander"
appid$ = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" ' Key openweathermap.org
meteo$ = wget$("api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=" + city$ + "&appid=" + appid$ + "&units=metric&lang=es", 80)

tft.init 5, 4, 0
background = tft.rgb(255, 255, 255)
foreground = tft.rgb(0, 0, 180)
tft.fill background
tft.bmp "/image/logo.bmp"
tft.text.col foreground
tft.text.size 2

printBold 20, 140, ucase$(city$)
printDX 20, 174, "Latitud   " + json$(meteo$, "lat")
printDX 20, 198, "Longitud  " + json$(meteo$, "lon")

sunrise = val(json$(meteo$, "sunrise")) + 3600 ' Sumar 1*60*60 para 1 hora
sunset = val(json$(meteo$, "sunset")) + 3600

printDX 20, 222, "Amanece  " + unixtime$(sunrise)
printDX 20, 246, "Anochece " + unixtime$(sunset) 

touch.setup 0
ontouch tap


' ---------------------
  r = bas.load "/Menu.bas"

' Tips for Andygadget https://cicciocb.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=207
sub printBold(x, y, t$)
  tft.text.pos x, y
  tft.print t$
  tft.text.pos x+1, y+1
  tft.print t$
end sub

sub printAt(x, y, t$)
  tft.text.pos x, y
  tft.print t$
end sub

sub printDY(x, y, t$)
  tft.text.pos x, y
  tft.print t$
  tft.text.pos x, y+1
  tft.print t$
end sub

sub printDX(x, y, t$)
  tft.text.pos x, y
  tft.print t$
  tft.text.pos x+1, y
  tft.print t$
end sub

Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]

' File Mario.bas
receiver_MAC$ = "C4:5B:BE:55:78:85" ' MAC address of the receiver
ret = espNow.begin
if ret = 0 then wlog "ESP-NOW OK" else wlog "ESP-NOW ERROR"
espnow.add_peer RECEIVER_MAC$  ' set the address of the receiver
onEspNowError status           ' jump in case of TX error

tft.init 5, 4, 0
background = tft.rgb(255, 255, 255)
foreground = tft.rgb(0, 0, 180)
tft.fill background
tft.bmp "/image/mario.bmp", 10, 20
tft.bmp "/image/luz_0.bmp", 181, 141
tft.text.col foreground
tft.text.size 2
printCentra2 240, "Press the bulb"
tft.text.col tft.rgb(255 ,0, 0)
printBold 10, 280, chr$(174) + " Menu"
printBold 135, 280, "Dimmer "+ chr$(175)

touch.setup 0
ontouch pulsado

on = 0


' ----------------------------------
  wlog "TX error on "; espnow.error$

' ----------------------------------
  xT = touch.x : yT = touch.y
  select case yT
    case 136 to 190 ' Bulb
      if xT>2 AND xT<37 then gosub relay
    case 290 to 310
      if xT>160 AND xT<230 then
        r = bas.load "/Menu.bas"
      if xT > -6 AND xT < 100 then
        r = bas.load "/Dimmer.bas"
  end select
'  if xT>2 AND xT<37 then
'    if yT>136 AND yT<190 then
'      gosub relay
'    endif
'  endif
'  if xT > 160 AND xT < 230 then
'    if yT >290 AND yT < 310 then
'      r = bas.load "/Menu.bas"
'    endif
'  endif    
'  if xT > -6 AND xT < 100 then
'    if yT >290 AND yT < 310 then
'      r = bas.load "/Dimmer.bas"
'    endif
'  endif    

' ----------------------------------
  on = 1 - on
  if on = 1 then
    tft.bmp "/image/luz_1.bmp", 181, 141
    espnow.write "releON"
    tft.bmp "/image/luz_0.bmp", 181, 141
    espnow.write "releOFF"

' ----------------------------------
sub printCentra2(y, t$)
  local x
  x = (240-(len(t$)*12))/2
  printBold x, y, t$
end sub

' Tips for Andygadget https://cicciocb.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=207
sub printBold(x, y, t$)
  tft.text.pos x, y
  tft.print t$
  tft.text.pos x+1, y+1
  tft.print t$
end sub

sub printDX(x, y, t$)
  tft.text.pos x, y
  tft.print t$
  tft.text.pos x+1, y
  tft.print t$
end sub

Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]

' File Dimmer.bas
receiver_MAC$ = "C4:5B:BE:55:78:85"
ret = espNow.begin
if ret = 0 then wlog "ESP-NOW OK" else wlog "ESP-NOW ERROR"
espnow.add_peer RECEIVER_MAC$
onEspNowError status

tft.init 5, 4, 0
tft.bmp "/image/dimmer.bmp", 1, 1
tft.bmp "/image/hamburger.bmp", 190, 10

for oldLevel = 100 to 0 step -25
  gosub btnYellow
next oldLevel

level = 0 : oldLevel = 0
touch.setup 0
ontouch pulsado


' ----------------------------------
  xT = touch.x : yT = touch.y

  if xT>-8 AND xT<30 then
    if yT>-3 AND yT<12 then
      r = bas.load "/Menu.bas"

  if xT > 165 AND xT < 230 then
    select case yT
      case 8 to 50    : level = 100
      case 135 to 170 : level = 75
      case 200 to 235 : level = 50
      case 260 to 295 : level = 25
      case else
        level = 0       
    end select    

  if level <> oldLevel then gosub swap


' ----------------------------------
  gosub btnYellow
  gosub btnRed
  oldLevel = level
  espnow.write "dimmer" + str$(level)

  select case oldLevel
    case 100 : tft.bmp "/image/TY100.bmp", 15, 25
    case 75  : tft.bmp "/image/TY75.bmp", 15, 140
    case 50  : tft.bmp "/image/TY50.bmp", 15, 195
    case 25  : tft.bmp "/image/TY25.bmp", 15, 250
  end select 

  select case level
    case 100 : tft.bmp "/image/TR100.bmp", 15, 25
    case 75  : tft.bmp "/image/TR75.bmp", 15, 140
    case 50  : tft.bmp "/image/TR50.bmp", 15, 195
    case 25  : tft.bmp "/image/TR25.bmp", 15, 250
  end select

' ----------------------------------
  wlog "TX error on "; espnow.error$

Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]

'  File in the relay module
'  Rele shield D1 Mini
relay = 5   ' Relay on pin 5 (D1)
led   = 2   ' Led on pin 2 (D4) 

pin.mode relay, output
pin.mode led,   output
pin(led) = 1 ' Off (unlike: 0=on, 1=off)

ret = espnow.begin
if ret = 0 then wlog "Esp-Now escuchando..." else wlog "Error Esp-Now..."

onEspNowMsg message

  subject$ = espNow.read$
  wlog subject$
  select case subject$
    case "releON"
      pin(relay) = 1
      pin(led) = 0
    case "releOFF"
      pin(relay) = 0
      pin(led) = 1
  end select

Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]

' File dimmer_ESPNOW.bas
' Loaded in the ESP8266 connected to the AC light dimmer module with Zero Cross detector
dimmer.setup 4, 5
dimmer.limits 4000, 9300  ' adjusted for my module testing DIMMER.DELAY uSec
dimmer.brightness 0

ret = espnow.begin
if ret = 0 then wlog "Esp-Now escuchando..." else wlog "Error Esp-Now..."
onEspNowMsg message

  subject$ = espNow.read$
  wlog subject$
  if left$(subject$, 6) = "dimmer" then
    brightness = val(mid$(subject$, 7))
    dimmer.brightness brightness

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Re: Squeezing the ESP8266: ESP12-F with ILI9341

Post by gianmagna »

Ciao Fernando
sto utilizzando un display ILI9341 come stai facendo tu
sto usando un modulo Lolin esp8266 un po datato.
Volevo collegare il display come hai indicato nell'image.png in fondo all'articolo e usare alcune parti dei tuoi programmi.

Non mi trovo con i collegamenti PEN BLK CS2 e CS1 ,non è che mi puoi dire su quali pin del display vanno collegati effettivamente
ti ringrazio in anticipo
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Fernando Perez
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Location: Santander (Spain)
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Re: Squeezing the ESP8266: ESP12-F with ILI9341

Post by Fernando Perez »

Gianmagna, I will try to help you, but I would need more information from your tft display. Can you post them?
For this project I have used one like this:
I see that it is still for sale on Amazon (although at a triple price of what it cost me a long time ago):

https://www.amazon.com/-/es/DollaTek-pu ... uage=en_US

How are the pins on your screen labeled?
As you can see, my screen does not have a built-in card reader, only the touch screen.
I know that the BLK pin is marked as an LED pin in others.
And you must identify on your display the correspondence with pins CS1 (LCD select signal), CS2 (touch selection signal) and PEN (touch interrupt signal).
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Re: Squeezing the ESP8266: ESP12-F with ILI9341

Post by gianmagna »

ciao Fernando
il display non è lo stesso ecco perchè non so dove vanno collegati quei pin
è sempre touch da 2,4" ma è piedinato diverso.
https://www.amazon.com/Hosyond-Display- ... 346&sr=8-3
grazie lo stesso
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Fernando Perez
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Joined: Mon Feb 15, 2021 10:09 pm
Location: Santander (Spain)
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Re: Squeezing the ESP8266: ESP12-F with ILI9341

Post by Fernando Perez »

In principle, I would try this:
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Re: Squeezing the ESP8266: ESP12-F with ILI9341

Post by gianmagna »

grazie Fernando
ci provo
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