© ciccioCB 2024
The Annex firmware, including the AnnexToolKit and this manual, are Copyright 2017-2024 by Francesco Ceccarella (ciccioCB).
The compiled object code (the .bin file) for the Annex firmware is free software: you can use or redistribute it as you please except for commercial purposes. It is not allowed to distribute or embed it into products that are sold or for any other activity making or intended to make a profit.
The compiled object code (the .exe file) for the AnnexToolKit utility is free software: you can use or redistribute it as you please except for commercial purposes. It is not allowed to distribute or embed it into products that are sold or for any other activity making or intended to make a profit.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
This manual is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 France license (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or redistributions of the Software in any form.
License and credits
The base of the interpreter comes from the original project "MiniBasic" by Malcom Mclean.
Adafruit BNO055 Orientation Sensor library is written by KTOWN is Copyright © Adafruit Industries. It is released under MIT license.
TFT_eSPI display Library is Copyright © 2017 Bodmer. It is released under FreeBSD license.
Adafruit PWM Servo Driver Library is Copyright © Adafruit. It is released under MIT license.
Arduino Library for Dallas Temperature ICs is Copyright © Miles Burton <>. It is released under LGPL license.
OneWire Library is Copyright 1999-2006 Dallas Semiconductor Corporation and Copyright © 2007, Jim Studt.
Adafruit DHT Humidity & Temperature Sensor Library is Copyright © Adafruit. It is released under MIT license.
ESP8266 and ESP32 Oled Driver for SSD1306 display is Copyright © 2016 by Daniel Eichhorn and Copyright © 2016 by Fabrice Weinberg
NeoPixelBus library is Copyright © Michael C. Miller. It is released under LGPL license.
ESP AsyncTCP library is Copyright © 2016 Hristo Gochkov. It is released under LGPL license.
ESP AsyncWebServer library is Copyright © 2016 Hristo Gochkov. It is released under LGPL license.
IRremote library is Copyright © Sebastien Warin, Mark Szabo, Ken Shirriff, David Conran. It is released under LGPL license.
uRTCLib is is Copyright © 2015 Naguissa ( It is released under LGPL license.
BME280 library is written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries. It is released under BSD license,
APDS9960 library is written by Shawn Hymel for Sparkfun Electronics. It is released under Beerware license.
PID Library is written by Brett Beauregard ( It is released under MIT license.
The Javascript Editor EditArea is Copyright © 2008 Christophe Dolivet. It is released under BSD license.
The M5Stack library is copyright © 2017 by M5Stack. It is released under MIT license.
The MPU9250 driver is part of the M5Stack Library.
The VL53L0X driver is Copyright © 2017 Pololu. It contains code © 2016 STMicroelectronics.
Some GUI objects come from the library GUIslice Copyright © Calvin Hass that is released under MIT license.
The MFRD522 library is written by Miguel Balboa and is released as free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
A very big thank you to Robin Baker (Electroguard) for his great involvement in the project by supporting all the tests on the real hardware (bought with his money), and all the advices that allowed me to add a lot of functionality, not to mention the Huge work he did while documenting the project on the website.
Content :
LBOUND(array() [, dimension]) : Returns the lower bound of the specified array dimension.
UBOUND(array() [, dimension]) : Returns the upper bound of the specified array dimension.
HOW the interpreter works with the HTML code and Objects :
SLEEP mode (low energy) and RTC memory
FILE.COPY(filename$, newfile$)
FILE.RENAME(oldname$, newname$)
FILE.READ$(filename$, [line_num] | [start, length])
FILE.APPEND filename$, content$
FILE.WRITE filename$, content$
FILE.FROMBASE64 source$, dest$
Download files from another module or WEB server
FILE.DOWNLOAD url$, file_path$
Define the Size of an I/O Buffer
Fill a Buffer with Predefined Data
IOBUFF.DIM(buff_num, size) = data_list
IOBUFF.DESTROY(buff_num, size)
IOBUFF.READ(buff_num, position)
IOBUFF.WRITE(buff_num, position, value)
IOBUFF.FROMSTRING(buff_num, var$ [, pos])
IOBUFF.TOSTRING$(buff_num, [, start [, size]])
IOBUFF.FROMHEX(buff_num, var$ [, pos])
IOBUFF.TOHEX$(buff_num, [, start [, size]])
IOBUFF.FROMBASE64(buff_num, Base64String$)
IOBUFF.ENCRYPT(buff_num, key$)
IOBUFF.DECRYPT(buff_num, key$)
IOBUFF.CRC(buff_num, nb_bits, polynom, initial_value, ref_in, ref_out, xor_out)
IObuff.bit(buff_num, position, bit)
IObuff.setbit(buff_num, position, bit)
IObuff.clearbit(buff_num, position, bit)
IObuff.togglebit(buff_num, position, bit)
IObuff.copy(dest_buff_num [,pos]) , (source_buff_num, [, start [, size]])
PIN.SHIFTOUT pin_data, pin_clk, data [, bit_order] [, nb_bits] [, delay_us]
PIN.SHIFTIN( pin_data, pin_clk [, bit_order] [, nb_bits] [, delay_us] )
PWM.SETUP pin, channel, default_value, [,frequency] [,resolution]
Memory Management and Synchronisation of RMT Channels
RMT.WRITE channel, num_items, name [, wait]
RMT.ENCODE channel, num_items, array() [, wait]
Example 1: RMT Transmission of a Pulse Sequence
Example 2: RMT Transmission of a Sinusoidal Pattern
Example 3: Synchronized RMT Transmission of Sinusoidal Patterns
Example 4: Infrared Signal Reception and Decoding with RMT on ESP32
Metadata Decoding from Mp3 and streaming
SPEECH SYNTHESIS with vintage C64 SAM speaker
SPEECH SYNTHESIS using google translate
SPEECH SYNTHESIS using voiceRSS free service
VS1053.SETUP XCS_pin, XDCS_pin, DREQ_pin [,info_enabled] [,SPIfreq] [SCI_CLOCKF]
VS1053.VOICE "message", "language"
VS1053.INIT "/patches/vs1053b-patches-flac.cmd"
VS1053.MIDI_CMD cmd, data1, data2
VS1053.NOTE_ON channel, note, velocity
VS1053.NOTE_OFF channel, note, velocity
MAX7219 8-Digits 7-segment display
NEO.STRIP led_start_pos, led_end_pos, R, G, B [, disable]
NEO.STRIP led_start_pos, led_end_pos, COLOR [, disable]
NEO.PIXEL led_pos, R, G, B [, disable]
NEO.PIXEL led_pos, COLOR [, disable]
NEO.ROTATELEFT num_steps, [led_end_pos, led_end_pos, disable]
NEO.ROTATERIGHT num_steps, [led_end_pos, led_end_pos, disable]
NEO.SHIFTLEFT num_steps, [led_end_pos, led_end_pos, disable]
NEO.SHIFTRIGHT num_steps, [led_end_pos, led_end_pos, disable]
Upper_Left_COLOR, Upper_Right_COLOR, Lower_Left_COLOR, Lower_Right_COLOR, x, y)
NeoPixel based WS2812b Dot Matrix DIsplay
NEOSCROLL.SETUP nb_devices, nb_lines, pin [,layout] [,width, height, orientation]
NEOSCROLL.FILL color, [x, y, width, height]
NEOSCROLL.SPRITE x, y, width, height, x_in_bmp, y_in_bmp
Copy a portion of the SPRITESHEET image into the canvas using the parameters given
NEOSCROLL.LIMITS [x1,] [x2], [y1], [y2]
Scroll the image using the current MODE and within the current LIMITS.c
Oscillate the image using the current MODE and within the current LIMITS.c
HUB75 Matrix Displays - DMAMATRIX
DMAMATRIX.INIT R1, G1, B1, R2, G2, B2, A, B, C, D, E, LAT, OE, CLK [,freq_DMA] [,resolution]
DMAMATRIX.SETUP nb_devices, nb_lines [,layout] [,width, height, orientation]
DMAMATRIX.FILL color, [x, y, width, height]
DMAMATRIX.PRINT text$ [, color$ | color]
DMAMATRIX.SPRITE x, y, width, height, x_in_bmp, y_in_bmp
Copy a portion of the SPRITESHEET image into the canvas using the parameters given
DMAMATRIX.LIMITS [x1,] [x2], [y1], [y2]
Scroll the image using the current MODE and within the current LIMITS.c
Oscillate the image using the current MODE and within the current LIMITS.c
DMAMATRIX.LINE x1, y1, x2, y1, color
DMAMATRIX.CIRCLE x, y, radius, color [,fill]
DMAMATRIX.RECT x, y, w, h, color [,fill]
DMAMATRIX.FRAMEGIF [do_not_show [,loop]]
VGA.PINOUT R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, G0, G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, HSYNC, VSYNC, DE, pCLK
VGA.PINOUT R0, R1, R2, G0, G1, G2, B0, B1, HSYNC, VSYNC
VGA.PINOUT R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, G0, G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, HSYNC, VSYNC, DE, pCLK
VGA.COPY src, dest [x, y, w, h [dest_x, dest_y]
VGA.LINE x1, y1, x2, y2, color [,thickness=1]
VGA.CIRCLE x, y, radius, color [,fill]
VGA.RECT x, y, w, h, color [,fill]
VGA.TRIANGLE x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, color [,fill=1]
VGA.NEEDLE x, y, length, angle, color [,thickness=1]
VGA.NEXT x, y, length, angle, color [,thickness=1]
VGA.TEXT.COLOR color [,background]
VGA.TEXT.DRAW "text", x, y [,font]
VGA.SPRITE x, y, width, height, x_in_bmp, y_in_bmp
VGA.SETSPRITE id, width, height, x_in_bmp, y_in_bmp [, nextframe_delta_x, nextframe_delta_y]
VGA.DRAWSPRITE id, x, y, [frame=0]
VGA.REMOVESPRITE id, src, dest
VGAGUI.SETSPRITE x_in_bmp, y_in_bmp, width, height, nextframe_delta_x, nextframe_delta_y
VGAGUI.SPRITE(x, y, width, height, frame_on, frame_off, [,toggle=0] [,group])
VGAGUI.ARC(x, y, width, height, value [,thickness=10])
VGAGUI.SETCOLOR object, col1 [,col2 [,col3 [,col4]]]
VGAGUI.SETSTYLE object, prop1 [,prop2 [,prop3 [,prop4]]]
USB HID INTERFACE (Mouse, Keyboard, Gamepad) - ESP32-S3 only
DHT xx Temperature / Humidity Sensors
TEMPR$(pin_number, [ID], [resolution])
BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor
BME280 Combined humidity and pressure sensor
BME680 Combined gas, pressure, temperature & humidity sensor
HDC1080 High Accuracy Digital Humidity Sensor with Temperature Sensor
APDS9960 Digital Proximity, Ambient Light, RGB and Gesture Sensor
RFID MFRC522 RFID cards reader
Writing NUID for UID changeable card (4 byte UID version)
VL53L0X TOF (Time Of Flight) Distance Sensor
HX711 - Weight Measurement Module
SI5351.INIT [capacitor [,crystal]]
SI5351.SETFREQ out_nb, frequency
SI5351.SETFREQ_MAN out_nb, frequency, pll
SI5351.STRENGTH out_nb, strength
STEPPER.SETUP stepper_id, pin_step, pin_dir
STEPPER.SETPARAM stepper_id, speed, acceleration
STEPPER.SETPOSITION stepper_id, position
STEPPER.MOVE stepper_id, position
STEPPER.MOVETO stepper_id, position
Server data requests (GET, POST and PUT)
- WGET$(server$, port, [,header] [,content_type$])
- WGET$(url$ [,header] [,content_type$])
- WPOST$(server$, body$, port [,header] [,content_type$] )
- WPOST$(url$, body$ [,header] [,content_type$])
- WPUT$(server$, body$, port [,header] [,content_type$] )
- WPUT$(url$, body$ [,header] [,content_type$])
- WGETASYNC[(] server$, port, [,header] [)]
- WGETASYNC[(] url$,[,header] [)]
MQTT.Certif(cert_pem$ [,client_cert_pem$] [,client_key_pem$])
MQTT.LWT(topic$, message$ [,Qos] [,retain])
MQTT.Connect(login$, pass$ [,id$])
MQTT.Publish(topic$, message$ [,Qos] [,retain])
MqttBroker.Setup(port, login$, password$ [, debug])
MqttBroker.Publish(topic, payload[, qos[, retain]])
EspNow.Add_Peer(MAC_add$ [,interface] [,channel])
BLUETOOTH.SETUP "devicename" [, code]
BLUETOOTH.WRITE_IOBUFF(buff_num [, start [, size]])
BLUETOOTH.CLIENT mac, service_UUID, characteristic_UUID
BLUETOOTH.CLWRITE characteristic_UUID, "text"
BLUETOOTH.CLWRITE_IOBUFF characteristic_UUID, (buff_num [, start [, size]])
MODBUS.CONNECT IP$, [port] [,timeout] [,idleTimeout]
MODBUS.REQUEST token, serverID, functionCode [,p1] [,p2] [,p3]
MODBUS.SetupRTU RX_pin, TX_pin, RE_DE_pin, ["BBBB,P,D,S"]
MODBUS.requestRTU ….. (see the details in the chapter above)
Anchor to start and/or end of string
Functionalities enabled in the ANNEXCAM version
Control of the camera using URL
Image / video reception from Annex
ANNEXEPAPER for LILYGO T5 4.7” E-paper module
Functionalities enabled in the E-PAPER version
CONVERT.MAP(number, fromLow, fromHigh, toLow, toHigh)
CONVERT.LIMITS(number, min, max)
APDS9960.GESTURELED (intensity)
CONVERT.MAP(number, fromLow, fromHigh, toLow, toHigh)
EMAIL from$, to$, subject$, message$
ESPNOW.ADD_PEER(MAC_add$ [,interface] [,channel])
INSTR([start], string$, pattern$)
I2C.READREGBYTE (i2c_address, register)
MQTT.Certif(cert_pem$ [,client_cert_pem$] [,client_key_pem$])
MQTT.LWT(topic$, message$ [,Qos, [,retain])
MQTT.Connect(login$, pass$ [,id$])
MQTT.Publish(topic$, message$ [,Qos] [,retain])
PID1.COMPUTE( current_value, target_value)
WORD.COUNT( string$ [,delimiter$])
WORD.FIND( string$, find$ [,delimiter$])
BAS.FTP$( host$, login$, password$, file$, folder$)
CSSID$(object_id, object_style)
FILE.READ$(filename$,[line_num] | [start, length])
IMAGEBUTTON$(path, label [,id])
LISTBOX$(variable$, "option1, option2, option3, ..." [, height] [,id])
METER$(variable, min, max [,id])
REPLACE$(expression$, find$, replacewith$)
SLIDER$(variable, min, max [,step] [,id])
STR$ (number [,format$ [,toint]])
WGET$( http_server$, port [,header] )
WORD$(string$, position [,delimiter$])
WORD.DELETE$(string$, position [delimiter$])
WORD.EXTRACT$(string$, lead$, trail$)
WORD.GETPARAM$( setting$, parameter$ [,separator$])
WPOST$(server$, body$, port [,header])
WPOST$(url$, body$, [,header])
COUNTER.SETUP cnt, pin [,mode]
EMAIL.SETUP server$, port, user_name$, password$ [, debug]
EMAILASYNC from$, to$, subject$, message$
FILE.FROMBASE64 source$, dest$
FUSION.MADGWICK ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz
FUSION.MADGWICK ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz, mx, my, mz
FUSION.MAHONY ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz, mx, my, mz
I2C.SETUP sda_pin, scl_pin [,freq ]
I2C.READREGARRAY i2c_address, register, nb_of_bytes, Array()
I2C.WRITEREGBYTE i2c_address,register, value
I2C.WRITEREGARRAY i2c_address, register, nb_of_bytes, Array()
INTERRUPT pin_no, {OFF | label} [, mode]
IR.INIT pin_rx | OFF [, pin_tx]
MAXDISPLAY.PRINT msg$ [,‘brightness]
MAXSCROLL.SETUP nb_devices, CS_pin
MAXSCROLL.SHOW pos [, brightness]
NEO.PIXEL led_pos, R, G, B [, disable]
NEO.PIXEL led_pos, COLOR [, disable]
NEO.STRIP led_start_pos, led_end_pos, R, G, B [, disable]
NEO.STRIP led_start_pos, led_end_pos, COLOR [, disable]
NEOSCROLL.SETUP nb_devices, pin [,serpentine]
NEOSCROLL.SHOW pos [, brightness]
NEOSCROLL.SCROLL [‘brightness]
OLED.INIT orientation [,model]
OLED.RECT x,y, width, height [,fill]
OLED.CIRCLE x, y, radius [, fill]
OLED.PRINT x, y, text$ [background]
PIN.MODE pin_number, mode [,PULLUP | PULLDOWN ]
PLAY.SETUP dest [,buffer] [,mono]
PLAY.SPEAK message$ [, phonetic]
PLAY.VOICE "message", "language" [, "filename"] [, action]
PRINT expression[[,; ]expression] ...
PRINT2 expression [[,; ]expression] ...
PWM.SETUP pin, chan, default, [,freq] [,resol]
RTC.SETTIME Year, Month, Day, Hours, Minutes, Seconds
SERIAL.MODE baudrate [, bits, parity, stop]
SERIAL2.MODE baudrate, pin_tx, pin rx [, bits, parity, stop] [, TXbuffer, RXbuffer]
SETTIME Year, Month, Day, Hours, Minutes, Seconds
SPI.SETUP speed [,data_mode [, bit_order]]
ST7920.RECT x,y, width, height [,fill]
ST7920.CIRCLE x, y, radius [, fill]
ST7920.PRINT x, y, text$ [background]
TM1637.PRINT msg$ [, brightness ]
TM1637.SETUP data_pin, clock_pin [, bit_delay] [, display_type]
TM1638.PRINT msg$ [, brightness ]]
TM1638.SETUP data_pin, clock_pin, strobe_pin
TFT.BMP filename$, [x, y [, back_color] ]
TFT.CIRCLE x, y, radius,color [, fill]
TFT.IMAGE filename$, [x, y [, back_color] ]
TFT.JPG filename$, [x, y [, scale] ]
TFT.PRINT expression [[,; ]expression] ...
TFT.RECT x, y, width, height, color [ [,fill] ,[round_radius] ]
TFT.TEXT.COLOR color [,backcolor]
URLMSGRETURN msg$ [,content_type$]
WGETASYNC server$, port [,header]
WGETASYNC url$, port [,header]
WIFI.APMODE SSID$, password$ [, channel] [, IP$ , MASK$]
WIFI.CONNECT SSID$, password$ [, BSSID$] [, IP$ , MASK$ [, GATEWAY$]]
WORD.DELPARAM setting$, parameter$, [,separator$]
WORD.SETPARAM setting$, parameter$, value$ [,separator$]
Annex32 WI-Fi RDS (Rapid Development Suite) is a version of the "BASIC" language developed to run on low cost ESP-32 WIFI devices.
Annex32 is specifically for the ESP32 range of devices, whose implemented features can vary greatly.
To offer some standardisation, Annex32 caters in particular to M5stack devices, which include a micro-SD card slot, TFT display, speaker, 3 user buttons plus a reset button, and a lipo battery, all self-contained in a plastic case offering expansion pin access and designed to accept ‘stackable’ expansion modules.
All drivers needed for the M5stack features are already included in the Annex32 firmware, and pre-configured for the M5stack so that features such as TFT display and SDcard work by default.
Similar functionality could be built using alternative TFT display and SD card reader etc, if preferred.
Please refer to the original M5Stack schematics for more details.
However, M5stack and its hardware features merely offer a convenient standardised feature set, they are not mandatory - Annex32 works with any ESP32 devices, with or without hardware expansion modules.
Obviously appropriate hardware is needed for any required features - eg: an OLED display could be used, but scripts written for TFT displays will need modifying for the different display.
Annex32 can use the internal flash disk space, or an external SD card.
The internal and the external (SDcard) space are mutually exclusive and cannot be accessed at the same time.
By default Annex32 will use the SD, if available, otherwise it will use the internal flash disk space (FATFS).
Both use the same type file system (FAT32), enabling the use of long file names and directories.
Depending on the module flash memory size (4, 8 or 16MB), the internal disk space can be from ~1MB to 13MB.
Using the ESP32 partition scheme it is possible to freely define this space, but modifying it will wipe out all existing files already stored.
Annex32 Wi-Fi RDS takes from the original concept of Annex WI-FI RDS for ESP8266 from which it shares essentially the IDE interface and the same command syntax as much as possible.
It should be straightforward switching to Annex32 if coming from Annex, and the same programs should run without (or with minimum) modifications (eg: pin numbers).
Annex32 Wi-Fi RDS benefits from the powerful H/W architecture of the ESP32 using both cores and the RAM memory available. In addition, for modules equipped with PSRAM memory extension, Annex32 can make available to the users this additional RAM space (up to 4MBytes).
- Includes an internal IDE so can be programmed directly using your web browser (even from your phone/tablet) without any additional utility.
- Syntax highlighting with context-sensitive Help
- A programmable web server which includes a file server
- Supports OTA (over the air) update.
- Support async events (interrupts, timers, web access, UDP, ….)
- Breakpoints, immediate execution of commands, display of variables, single step.
- A basic interpreter with floating point variables (double precision) and string variables, multi-dimensional arrays (float and string), user defined subroutines.
- Access to any available I/O pin for input/output, PWM and Servo.
- Errors Handling .
- Support TCP (HTTP) GET and POST for communications
- Support for UDP for communications.
- Support for sending Emails using SMTP SSL servers
- Support for AJAX communications (GET, POST, PUT) Synchronous and Asynchronous
- Support for ESP-NOW communications
- Support for MQTT communications
- Support for MODBUS communications
- Support for FTP communications
- Support for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communications
- Support for Telegram communications
- Support for RJ45 wired ethernet using W5500 module
- Accompanying utility suite includes Flasher, File Manager, HTML Converter, Backup/Restore to bin or zip, integrated Serial Port Monitor, OTA (over the air) update server and UDP Console.
- IMU / AHRS Fusion algorithms 6 DOF and 9 DOF (Madgwick and Mahony)
- Play MP3 or WAV sound files or streaming using a speaker or an external I2S DAC
- Text to Speech using a speaker or an external I2S DAC
- Support for regular expressions (regex)
The following devices are supported directly with dedicated commands / functions :
- DHT11, DHT21 or DHT22 Temperature / Humidity Sensors
- DS18B20 Temperature sensor
- LCD HD44780 with I2C interface module (1, 2 or 4 lines with 16 or 20 chars per line)
- LCD Display based on chipset ST7920 with 128x64 pixels monochrome
- OLED Display based on chipset SSD1306 or SH1106 with 128x64 pixels monochrome
- TFT Display at 16 bits colors based on the following chipset:
- ILI9341 with 320x240 pixels
- ILI9163 with several resolutions
- ST7735 with several resolutions
- ST7796 with 480x320 pixels
- ILI9481 with 480x320 pixels
- ILI9486 with 480x320 pixels
- ILI9488 with 480x320 pixels
- ILI7789 with several resolutions
- SSD1351 with 128x128 pixels
- GC9A01 with 240x240 pixels
- TM1637 4 and 6 digits 7-segments display
- TM1638 8 digits 7-segments display including 8 leds and 8 buttons
- MAX7219 8 digits 7-segments display
- MAX7219 8x8 dot matrix display modules
- Neopixel WS2812 led strips
- Neopixel WS2812 8x8 dot matrix display
- PCA9685 PWM/SERVO module
- Infrared interface with many RC protocols (transmission and reception)
- RTC module (DS1307 or DS3231)
- HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor for distance measurement
- BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor
- MPU9250 / MPU6500 IMU units
- MPU6886 IMU unit
- BME280 Combined humidity and pressure sensor
- BME680 Combined gas, pressure, temperature & humidity sensor / Air Quality Sensor
- HDC1080 High Accuracy Digital Humidity Sensor with Temperature Sensor
- CCS811 Air Quality Sensor
- APDS9960 Digital Proximity, Ambient Light, RGB and Gesture Sensor
- W5500 RJ45 wired Ethernet interface
- VL53L0X TOF (Time Of Flight) Distance Sensor
- RFID MFRC522 cards reader
- HX711 - Weight Measurement Module
- SI5351 Clock Generator Module
- Any compatible I2S DAC
- Lora SX127x modules
- STEP Motors
- VGA output for ESP32–S3
- RGB TFT output for ESP32-S3
Many ESP32 modules / units are supported and can be configured using the “CONFIG” menu:
- Almost all the ESP32 modules including ESP32 devkit, ESP32 wemos mini, ESP32 lolin lite, ...
- M5Stack
- M5 Atom
- M5 Atom matrix
- M5 Atom Echo
- M5Tough
- ESP32-2432S028 (module with a 240x320 2.8” TFT with resistive touchscreen)
- ESP32-3248S035R (module with 320x480 3.5” TFT with resistive touchscreen)
ESP32-3248S035C (module with 320x480 3.5” TFT with capacitive touchscreen)
In addition to the ESP32, Annex now extends its support to other family members, including the ESP32-C3, ESP32-S2, and ESP32-S3. This support encompasses both direct USB connection and variants with USB to serial chip. For all of these modules, Annex offers compatibility across different versions, considering the specific type of flash memory installed, including DIO, QIO, and OPI, as well as the presence of PSRAM, with* options for QIO and OPI configurations. As a result of this diverse range of variants, Annex provides distinct firmware releases tailored to each particular configuration. This ensures optimal performance and seamless integration across the ESP32 series.
The following modules equipped with ESP32-S3 are also supported and can be configured using the “CONFIG” menu:
- ESP32-4848S040 (module with a 480x480 4” RGB TFT with capacitive touchscreen)
- ESP32-8048S070C (module with a 800x480 7” RGB TFT with capacitive touchscreen)
The basic interpreter works by reading a script file saved to the esp local disk filing system.
This is the default mode if no external SDcard(s) are connected to the ESP32.
In addition, Annex32 can use an external SDcard as file system permitting up to 16Gbytes of disk space.
During the startup, if an external SDcard is detected it will be automatically connected and used as the default file system, in which case the internal filing system will not be used.
Because the ESP32 contains a good quantity of RAM, the user script is copied from the disk into a dedicated area in the RAM memory where it is executed, together with the list of the program lines, the branch labels and the list of the user defined subroutines..
This uses more RAM compared to other approaches, but allows faster program execution.
Another performance consideration is that the ESP32 must be capable of executing several activities in the background (web server, file server, etc..) so needs sufficient free memory for running such tasks, and those parallel tasks will obviously have an impact on script performance..
So performance-wise, the interpreter is not particularly fast, but it should be fast enough for most tasks you may require. In particular it is around 2 times faster than Annex for ESP8266, considering that many tasks can run in parallel without any appreciable performance impact (such as playing music in the background).
Basic program lines :
A typical script line should comply with the following syntax :
[label:] command [argument1 [,argument2 …..]]
Script lines may contain several commands on the same line if separated by the colon character ":".
[label:] command1 [argument1 [,argument2 …..]]: command2 [argument1 [,argument2 …..]]
It must be noted that use of several commands on the same line is not recommended and will cause program errors if the line contains GOSUB or user defined subroutine calls.
All program jumps (eg: GOTO, GOSUB) are referenced by their branch label names - line numbers are not referenced in scripts, they are merely available in the editor as a programming convenience if wished, and for error references.
NOTE : The gosub and the call to user defined subroutines must be used alone on the script line.
Branch labels should not be named the same as a command name, and must follow the same format as variables (see below).
A branch label definition must begin the line, and a colon (":") must terminate the label definition.
Any references to the defined label (GOTOs and GOSUBs etc) do not use a colon.
Example :
b = 10 a = 20 : c = 30 GOSUB LABEL1 END LABEL1: print "Label1" RETURN |
The interpreter has 2 types of variables:
- Floating Point (double precision)
- String
Floating point variables can store numbers with decimal points; they can also store integer numbers with a precision equivalent to 32bits.
Strings contain sequences of characters (example "my program") and must be terminated by "$".
The strings are not limited in size, they are only limited by the amount of memory available.
NOTE: The string variables cannot contain the character with ASCII code 0 (zero) because it is used internally as an end of string delimiter.
The variables are defined as any name starting with an alpha character (a, b, ..z) followed by any alphanumeric character (a..z, 0..9); it can also include the "_" (underscore).
The case is don’t care, so ‘’Num" is equivalent to "nuM".
The variable name length is limited to 31 characters maximum, including the "$" for the strings.
There are no limits in terms of number of variables; the only limit is the RAM memory available.
NUM = 10.56 myString$ = "this is My String" this_is_my_value$ = "ESP8266" number = 8826621 |
Numeric variables and string variables are managed separately so the same name can be used; this means that A and A$ are different variables that can coexist at the same time (even if this could lead to confusion).
The numeric constants can have the following format :
A = 5 : Z = 1.5
B = 1.23456E5 -> same as 123456
C = 1.23456E+5 -> same as 123456
D = 1.23456E-3 -> same as 0.00123456
The string constants are simply defined as a text between quotes:
A$ = "This is my string" : B$ = "another string"
The strings can include the character " (quote) simply typing it two times :
A$ = "this is ""MY"" string"
The | (vertical bar) can also be used as a string literal.
This permit to include the " (quote) easily inside a string constant :
A$ = |this is a "string" constant|
The hexadecimal constants can be defined simply prefixing it with &h :
E = &hABCD -> equivalent of decimal 43981 (hexadecimal constant)
F = &hA0 -> equivalent of decimal 160
The binary constants can be defined simply prefixing it with &b :
E = &b00000101 -> equivalent of decimal 5 (binary constant)
F = &b10000001 -> equivalent of decimal 129
The octal constants can be defined simply prefixing it with &o :
E = &o377 -> equivalent of decimal 255 (octal constant)
F = &o17 -> equivalent of decimal 15
Arrays are defined using the DIM command.
Their names follow the same rules as the regular variables and are followed by parenthesis (brackets) containing the index. The subscript starts from 0, but you can adjust the lower limit using
The scope of the Arrays is always global (see next paragraph).
DIM A(100) define a floating point array with 101 elements (index from 0 to 100)
DIM ABC$(50) define a string array with 51 elements (index from 0 to 50)
A(15) = 1234.5678
ABC$(49) = "Hi friend!"
The arrays can have up to 5 subscripts (dimensions), examples:
DIM A(50,50) -> create a floating point array with 51*51 elements (2601)
DIM J$(4, 4, 4) -> create a string array with 5 * 5 * 5 elements (125)
If the command OPTION.BASE 1 is executed the subscripts start from 1 and an error will be raised when trying to use the index 0.
This line OPTION.BASE 1 must be present in the code before array declaration.
In this case
DIM A(100) define a floating point array with 100 elements (index from 1 to 100)
DIM ABC$(50) define a string array with 50 elements (index from 1 to 50)
Notice that declaring a multi-dimensional array with multiple subscripts uses elements for every possible[1] [2] [3] combination of subscripts, whereas in practice it may be preferable to declare multiple arrays with the same subscript, eg:
DIM Name$(users)
DIM Address$(users)
DIM Tel$(users)
Which only uses 5 + 5 + 5 elements (15)
The numerical Arrays are always initialised at 0 with the command DIM.
The string Arrays are always initialised as null string with the command DIM.
There are no limits to the number of arrays or their size, the only restriction is the RAM memory available.
The arrays can be re-dimensioned using the same command DIM.
In this case all the existing elements will maintain the previous value except the new elements that will be initialised at 0 or null string.
Example :
DIM A(5) ' all the elements are initialised at 0 A(0) = 123 Print A(0) ' print 123 Dim A(10) Print A(0) ' print the same value 123 Print A(10) ' print 0 |
In addition the elements of the arrays can be initialised with a given value during the command DIM.
Example :
DIM A(5) = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ' set A(0)= 0, A(1)= 1, A(2)=2, ….
If the command OPTION.BASE 1 is executed before
DIM A(5) = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ' set A(1)= 0, A(2)= 1, A(3)=2, ….
The same can be done with string arrays.
Example :
DIM A$(5) = "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five"
Two additional functions can be used to determine the bound limits of arrays:
Example :
OPTION.BASE 0 DIM A(100) print LBOUND(a()) ' print 0 (option.base 0) print UBOUND(a()) ' print 100
OPTION.BASE 1 DIM A(10, 20) print LBOUND(a(), 1) ' print 1 (option.base 1) print LBOUND(a(), 1) ' print 1 (option.base 1) print UBOUND(a(), 1) ' print 10 print UBOUND(a(), 2) ' print 20 |
Variables and arrays defined in the main code are global, therefore any variable is accessible from any part of the code after it has been previously defined there.
Variables and arrays defined inside “user defined” subroutine (SUB) are visible only inside that sub and inside all the code called by that subroutine; their content (and their memory space) is removed at the end of the SUB
The LOCAL command permits defining local variables inside of "user defined" subroutines; this permits to use the same name of an “already existing” variable locally without modifying the original.
As for all the variables defined inside SUB, they will disappear at the end of the subroutine.
A = 10 B = 20 C = 30 mysub "Hello" PRINT A,B, C END
SUB mysub(a$) LOCAL A,B A = 123 B = 456 C = 789 D = 8888 PRINT A$, D END SUB |
In this example, calling the user-defined subroutine "mysub" will not modify the content of the global variables A and B (defined locally) but will modify the content of the variable C (not defined locally) and the variable D will disappear at the end of the SUB.
The keywords recognized by the interpreter can be defined into 3 classes:
● Operators
● Commands
● Functions
The Operators are symbols that tell the compiler to perform specific mathematical or logical manipulations.
Commands and Functions both execute an action, but functions also return a data value.
For example PRINTis a command and SIN() is a function whereas the ‘+’ in a = b + 5 is an operator.
The string functions are always followed by the "$" symbol if they return a string value.
In addition to commands and functions there are all the internal interpreter internal commands that are part of the language itself.
The following operators are available. These are listed in the following tables by order of precedence. Operators on the same line are processed with a left to right precedence.
Arithmetic operators:
^ |
Power |
* / \ MOD |
Multiplication, division, integer division and modulo (remainder of the division) |
+ - |
Addition and subtraction |
Shift operators:
x << y x >> y |
These operate in a special way. << means that the value returned will be the value of x shifted by y bits to the left while >> means the same only right shifted. They are integer functions and any bits shifted off are discarded and any bits introduced are set to zero. For more information about the kinds of bitwise shifts, see Bitwise shifts. |
Logical operators:
<> < > <= >= = |
Not Equal, less than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, equal |
Conjunction, disjunction, negation, Exclusive OR |
String operators:
<> < > <= >= = |
Not Equal, less than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, equal |
+ & |
Add strings together |
Bitwise operators:
Binary AND, binary OR, binary exclusive OR, binary negation For more information about the bitwise operators, see Bitwise Operators |
The operators AND, OR and XOR are integer bitwise operators. For example PRINT (3 AND 6) will output 2.
Expressions beginning with open parenthesis ‘(‘ are always considered numerical but the parser is able to determine if an expression is true or false even if the expression represents a string.
Each expression representing a comparison, returns a numerical value of 1 if the expression is true or 0 if false.
For example 10 = 10 represents a value of 1 whereas 10 = 5 represents a value of 0.
The same logic is applied for string expressions where "abc" = "abc" represents a value of 1 and "abc" = "def" represents a value of 0.
This is very useful in the IF command and also in other expressions.
For example the following code :
A$ = "on" If A$ = "on" then pin(4) = 1 Else pin(4) = 0 End if |
Can be replaced by
pin(4) = (a$ = "on")
The strings can also be compared to determine the alphabetical order.
To see whether a string is greater than another, Annex uses the so-called “ASCII” order.
In other words, strings are compared letter-by-letter.
For example:
("Z" > "A") is true
("Glow" > "Glee") is true
("Bee" > "Be") is true
("Bas" > "Bat") is false
The algorithm to compare two strings is simple:
Compare the first character of both strings.
If the first character from the first string is greater (or less) than the other string, then the first string is greater (or less) than the second. We’re done.
Otherwise, if both strings’ first characters are the same, compare the second characters the same way.
Repeat until the end of either string.
If both strings end at the same length, then they are equal. Otherwise, the longer string is greater.
In the examples above, the comparison "Z" > "A" gets to a result at the first step while the strings"Glow" and "Glee" are compared character-by-character:
- G is the same as G.
- l is the same as l.
- o is greater than e. Stop here. The first string is greater.
The comparison algorithm given above is roughly equivalent to the one used in dictionaries or phone books, but it’s not exactly the same.
For instance, case matters. A capital letter "A" is not equal to the lowercase "a". Which one is greater?
The lowercase "a". Why? Because the lowercase character has a greater index in the ASCII table.
The IF can have the following syntax :
1) IF expression THEN statement
2) IF expression THEN statement1 ELSE statement 2
3) IF expression THEN
4) IF expression THEN
ELSEIF expression THEN
IF a > 100 THEN print "a"
IF b <a THEN print "b" ELSE print "a"
IF c > d THEN print "C" print "is greater" ELSE print "D" print "is greater" END IF ' (can also be ENDIF without space between END and IF)
IF d = a THEN print "d" print "is like a" ELSEIF d = b print "d" print "is like b" ELSEIF d = c print "d" print "is like c" ELSE print "d" print "is unknown" END IF ' (can also be ENDIF without space between END and IF)
When the conditional is all on one line it does not need terminating with an END IF
IFa=2 THEN PRINT "ok" ELSE PRINT "not ok"
The AND , OR keywords can be used between the expressions as long as they are in parenthesis.
IF (a=1) AND (b=2) THEN PRINT "ok"
IF ((a=2) AND (b=3) AND (c = 3)) OR (d=4) THEN PRINT "ok"
The IF can be nested
The “THEN” keyword can eventually be removed, even if this is not recommended.
IF a > 100 print "a" else print "b"
The FOR loop can have the following syntax :
FOR variable=init_value to end_value [step value]
NEXT variable
The ‘step’ value can be positive or negative
FOR i=1 to 5
Print i
Will print 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
FOR i=1 to 3 step 0.5
Print i
Will print 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3
FOR i=3 to 1 step -0.5
Print i
Will print 3, 2.5, 2, 1.5, 1
The command EXIT FOR can be used to exit from the loop at any time:
FOR i=1 to 50
Print i
Print "end of loop"
Optionally, the variable in the NEXT statement can be omitted.
This means that this program is valid :
FOR i=1 to 5
Print i
The WHILE WEND loop can have the following syntax :
WHILE expression
The loop is iterated as long as the expression is true
i = 0
WHILE i < 3
Print i
i = i + 1
Will print 0, 1, 2
The DOLOOP can have one of the following 4 syntax :
DO WHILE expression
DO UNTIL expression
LOOP WHILE expression
LOOP UNTIL expression
The command EXIT DO can be used to exit from the loop at any time
i = 0
Print i
i = i + 0.5
Will print 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3
i = 0
Print i
i = i + 0.5
Will print 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2
The SELECTcan have the following syntax:
SELECT CASE expression
CASE exp1 [: Statements]
CASE exp2 TO exp3 [: Statements]
CASE exp4 [,exp5], ... [: Statements]
a = 4
PRINT "case 1"
CASE 2 : PRINT "case 2"
CASE 3 : PRINT "case 3" : PRINT "can continue on same line"
CASE 4 : PRINT "case 4"
PRINT "can continue also on next line"
PRINT "case else"
Multiple cases:
a = 4
CASE1 : PRINT "case 1"
CASE 2, 3, 5 : PRINT "case 2 or 3 or 5"
CASE4 : PRINT "case 4"
CASE 6 TO 8 : PRINT "case 6 to 8"
CASE 9 TO 20 : PRINT "case 9 to 20"
PRINT "case else"
The SELECT CASE can also handle string content:
CASE "a" :
PRINT "case a"
CASE "a", "b", "c", "d" :
PRINT "case a, b, c, or d"
CASE "e" TO "h" :
PRINT "case e to h"
PRINT "case else"
The GOTOcan have the following syntax :
a = 5
PRINT "This is label1"
The goto must be considered as an obsolete command and is provided just for backward compatibility with old style Basic programs.
The GOSUBcan have the following syntax :
The called function must terminate with the command RETURN
a = 5
PRINT "This is label1"
The command DATA is used to store constant information in the program code, and is associated with the command READ. Each DATA-line can contain one or more constants separated by commas. Expressions containing variables will be also evaluated here.
The goal of the DATA is to avoid repetitive variable assignation lines, in particular for arrays.
The DATA values will be read from left to right, beginning with the first line containing a DATA statement. Each time a READ instruction is executed the saved DATA position of the last READ is advanced to the next value. Strings must be written in quotes like string constants. The command RESTORE resets the pointer of the current DATA position, so the next READ will read from the first DATA found from the beginning of the program.
In case READ uses the wrong variable type the error message "Type mismatch" appears while referring to the line number containing the READ statement that triggered the condition.
DATA lines may be scattered throughout the whole program code, but for the sake of clarity they would be better kept together at the beginning of the program.
The DATA can have the following syntax :
DATA const1 [,const2] …..
The constants can be Numerical or String.
Example :
DATA 1, 55.88, "constant", 99
READ A, B, C$, D
Example without DATA:
dim colors$(5)
colors$(1) = "Red"
colors$(2) = "Green"
colors$(3) = "Blue"
colors$(4) = "Yellow"
colors$(5) = "Magenta"
Same example but using DATA:
DATA "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Yellow", "Magenta"
dim colors$(5)
For i=1 to 5
Read colors$(i)
Next i
The command RESTORE can optionally define a label to set the DATA pointer to a specific point
data 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
data 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
data 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
data 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35
restore block3
for z = 0 to 5
read a
print a,
next z
restore block2
print " "
for z = 0 to 5
read a
print a,
next z
print "----------"
Define the end of the program. With this command the program stops.
It can also be :
END IF -> close the IF command
END SELECT -> closes the SELECT CASE command
END SUB -> closes the user defined SUB
Permit to exit from a loop or a user defined SUB.
The syntax is :
EXIT DO -> exit from a DO loop
EXIT FOR -> exit from a FOR loop
EXIT SUB -> exit from a user defined SUB.
Define a user-defined subroutine, which the script can use like a command or function.
User-defined subroutines are effectively additional commands, so cannot be used as branch labels.
Permit to create a user defined command with optional parameters.
The syntax is SUB subname[(arg1 [,arg2] …)]
The variables are passed by reference; this means that the arguments, if modified inside the subroutine, will modify the original variable. This can be useful to return values from the subroutine (acting like a function).
It is possible to pass arrays using the syntax array_name().
Using the LOCAL command will permit to define local variables (useful to avoid to modify existing global variables).
Example 1 : routine cube
SUB cube(x) PRINT X ^3 END SUB
cube 3 ' will print 27 |
Example 2: routine cube with returning argument
SUB cube(x,y) y = x ^3 ' the value is returned using the 2nd argument END SUB
ret = 0 cube 5, ret PRINT ret ' will print 125 |
Example 3: routine with local variables and returning argument
SUB left_trim(s$, ret$) LOCAL i i = 1 DO UNTIL i = len(s$) IF mid$(s$, i, 1) <> " " THEN EXIT DO i = i + 1 LOOP ret$ = mid$(s$, i) END SUB
z$ = "" FOR i = 1 to 3 left_trim " remove space from left ", z$ PRINT z$ + "--" NEXT i |
Will print
remove space from left --
remove space from left --
remove space from left --
As you can see in this example, the variable i in the FOR loop is not modified by the LOCAL variable i in the subroutine.
Example 4: pass arrays
SUB pass_array(f(), c$()) Dim myArray(10) myArray(0) = 456 Print f(0), c$(0), myArray(0) f(1) = 123 c$(1) = "myText" END SUB
Dim alpha(10) Dim beta$(10) alpha(0) = 456 beta$(0) = "testme" Pass_array alpha(), beta$() Print alpha(1), beta$(1) |
In this example, the array alfa() is passed locally to the array f() and the array beta$() is passed locally to the array c$().
Modifying locally these arrays change the value of the original one as their content is passed by reference.
The array “myArray” will disappear at the end of the SUB
As the numerical variables are stored internally as double precision floating numbers, it is possible to store numbers with a precision equivalent to 32 bits.
Several boolean operators are available to manipulate these numbers..
The first operator is the bit shift; it can be shift left << or shift right >>
This operator permits to shift the number of a specified number of positions to left or right.
A = 1
Print A << 3 ' will print 8
A = 16
Print A >> 2 ' will print 4
The operators AND , OR , XOR are also available :
A = 24
A = 15
Print A AND B ' will print 8
A = 24
A = 15
Print A OR B ' will print 31
A = 24
A = 15
Print A XOR B ' will print 23
The unary operator NOT is also available. It inverts all the bits from 0 to 1:
A = 0
Print Hex$(NOT A) ' will print FFFFFFFF
For a 32 bits number, assuming 4 bytes ABCD where A is the MSB and D the LSB, the bytes can be extracted as follows :
VAR = &h12345678 ' this is a 32 bits variable
C = (VAR >> 8) AND &hFF
B = (VAR >> 16) AND &hFF
A = (VAR >> 24) AND &hFF
For more information, see Bitwise Operators
Annex allows to control and manage errors that occur during the execution of the code.
This is managed with the command ONERROR.
This command defines what action is taken when an error occurs, and applies to all errors, including syntax errors.
It can be used in different ways, as specified in the table below:
Displays the error message then aborts the program. This is the normal behaviour and is the default when a program starts running. |
Any error will be simply ignored. As this can make it very difficult to debug a program it should be used wisely. |
Ignore an error in the next command(s) executed after the current command (the number of skipped commands depends on whether the number ‘nn’ is specified). 'nn' is optional, the default is 1 if not specified. After the number of skipped commands has completed (with an error or not) the behaviour will revert to ONERROR ABORT. |
Reset the eventual pending error |
ONERROR GOTO [label | OFF] |
Jumps to the error handling routine defined by the label. It can be removed (hence reverting to ONERROR ABORT) replacing the label with OFF. Using RETURN inside the error handling routine will continue the execution on the line following the error. |
When an error occurs, the following constants are available :
Returns the line number where the error happened. Value of 0 means no error. It is reset to 0 with the command ONERROR CLEAR or running the program or with the command ONERROR IGNORE or ONERROR SKIP. |
Returns a number where non zero means that there was an error. It is reset to 0 with the command ONERROR CLEAR or running the program or with the command ONERROR IGNORE or ONERROR SKIP. |
Return a string representing the error message that would have normally been displayed on the console. It is reset to “No Error” running the program or with the command ONERROR CLEAR or ONERROR IGNORE or ONERROR SKIP. |
Example of error handling using the command ONERROR GOTO :
ONERROR GOTO Error_Handler Print "start" Print 3/0 ' this generates a divide by zero error Print space$(60000) ' this generates an out of memory error End
Error_Handler: Print "Error text "; BAS.ErrMsg$ Print "Error num "; BAS.ErrNum Print "Error line "; BAS.ErrLine Return ' returns to the line following the error |
When a client connects to the module using its IP address, the module will redirect automatically to the url ‘/output?menu’, which sends an empty html page present on the module.
That page contains a bunch of javascript code permitting to interface the page with the module using javascript.
This page will automatically open a websocket connection with the module; the "squared led" indicates if the connection was successful (green) or not (red).
A mechanism of ping - pong has been implemented into the javascript in order to hold the connection alive all the time. If the connection is lost, the page will try to reconnect automatically without any manual action.
The button "reconnect" permits to force the reconnection if the automatic reconnection fails.
As soon as the connection is done with the module, the html page is ready to send and receive messages to / from the module.
Initially the page is empty but its content can be easily filled.
To send HTML code to the page, the command HTML is used.
The syntax is : HTML HTML code.
For example the line
HTML "Hello, world <br>This is my first html content<br>"
Will give this result :
Continuing with the HTML command, the content can be improved :
HTML "Textbox: <input type='text'><br>"
Continuing again:
HTML "Button: <button type='button'>Click Here</button>"
All the html code can be combined and sent with just one HTML command; this is much faster:
a$ = "Hello, world <br>This is my first html content<br>" a$ = a$ + "Textbox: <input type='text'><br>" a$ = a$ + "Button: <button type='button'>Click Here</button>" HTML a$ |
To clear the content of the page, the command is:
Now we can try another example
a$ = "Now style me, please<br>"
a$ = a$ + "Button1: <button id='but1' type='button'>ON</button> "
a$ = a$ + "Button2: <button id='but2' type='button'>OFF</button>"
Now we will try to style the buttons using css.
This can be done using command CSS CSSID$()
For example the line
CSS CSSID$("but1", "background-color: red;")
Will give this result :
Combining with the style for the other button:
a$ = a$ + cssid$("but1", "background-color: red;")
a$ = a$ + cssid$("but2", "background-color: green;")
CSS a$
A set of functions is included to simplify the creation of HTML pages as we will see later, so no need to worry if you are not familiar with writing HTML code.
Now we will mention an important ‘event’ that can be used to automatically fill the content of the page each time a client connects to the module : OnHtmlReload.
This ‘event’ defines a place where the program will jump to as soon as a Websocket connection request is accepted.
Let’s clarify with an example :
OnHtmlReload Fill_Page ‘will jump to Fill_Page when the page is reloaded gosub Fill_Page 'load the page for the first time Wait ‘pause waiting for the event Fill_Page: ‘place where the page begins to be created CLS a$ = "Now style me, please<br>" a$ = a$ + "Button1: <button id='but1' type='button'>ON</button> " a$ = a$ + "Button2: <button id='but2' type='button'>OFF</button>" HTML a$ a$ = cssid$("but1", "background-color: red;") a$ = a$ + cssid$("but2", "background-color: green;") HTML a$ RETURN |
The result will be:
Now try to play with the button "Reconnect"; you’ll see that, at each time the page reconnects to the module, the HTML content is built and sent again. This ensures that each time a client connects to the module it will receive the correct content. At the same time, if other clients are already connected, the content of all the pages will be refreshed simultaneously. This ensures a synchronized content between all the clients.
As said previously, in order to simplify the creation of HTML pages there are several functions available which can generate the html code automatically.
Let’s start with the button.
A button is an object that is used to trigger an action each time it is pressed on the web page.
The function is BUTTON$.
Let’s explain with an example:
CLS HTML BUTTON$("Button1", jump1)
Wait 'pause waiting for the event
Jump1: PRINT "Clicked on Button1" Return |
The result will be:
Try clicking on the button then checking the result in the terminal console; the message "Clicked on Button1" will be shown at each click.
To style the button, we need to modify the syntax of the BUTTON$ command slightly; in fact we need to add another parameter to give the button an ID:
CLS HTML BUTTON$("Button1", jump1, "but1") ' "but1" is the ID
Wait 'pause waiting for the event
Jump1: PRINT "Clicked on Button1" CSS cssid$("but1", "background-color: red;") 'the same ID is used here Return |
Clicking on the button now will change its color to red
Now we can now introduce the LED object. The LED object is a circle that can be filled in red or green depending on the content of a variable. The function is LED$
As usual, let’s start with an example:
CLS led = 1 ‘this is the variable associated with the LED. With 0 the led is red, with 1 the led is green HTML LED$(led) |
The result will be:
Let’s also add a button :
CLS led = 0 a$ = BUTTON$("Button1", jump1, "but1") ' "but1" is the ID a$ = a$ + LED$(led) HTML a$
Wait 'pause waiting for the event
Jump1: PRINT "Clicked on Button1" led = 1 - led ' invert the variable REFRESH ' refresh (update) the variables between the code and the html Return |
The result will be:
Clicking on the button will toggle the led between red and green colors.
The command REFRESH permits to update (synchronize) the variables in the code with the corresponding objects variables on the web page. It should be run each time a variable is modified.
As a simpler alternative, the command AUTOREFRESH will regularly sync the variables.
The command must be run with the desired refresh timing.
AutoRefresh 500 will refresh the variables each 500 milliseconds.
The interval
should not be less than 300 milliseconds (otherwise the module will
be too busy).
The example :
CLS led = 0 a$ = BUTTON$("Button1", jump1, "but1") ' "but1" is the ID a$ = a$ + LED$(led) HTML a$ AutoRefresh 300 'sync each 300 milliseconds Wait 'pause waiting for the event
Jump1: PRINT "Clicked on Button1" led = 1 - led ' invert the variable
Return |
The result will be the same as the previous example.
Now it’s time to introduce another object; the TEXTBOX with the corresponding function TEXTBOX$.
The TEXTBOX will display a ‘text box’ on the web page which is linked with a variable. When the variable is modified in the code, the TEXTBOX content will be updated on the web page, and vice-versa.
This lets us introduce another ‘event’, the OnHtmlChange command.
This ‘event’ defines a branch for the program to jump to whenever a variable is modified inside the web page.
As usual, let’s start with an example:
CLS text$ = "Change me, please" HTML TEXTBOX$(text$) OnHtmlChange Jump1 'will jump to Jump1 when a variable changes on the web page Wait 'pause waiting for the event
Jump1: Print text$ 'print the content of the variable inside the terminal console Return |
Try now to change the content of the textbox and press "Enter" on the keyboard.
Let’s see the result in the terminal console:
With the concepts already learned you’ll be able to use the other objects using the similar logic.
Refer to the pages below to understand the syntax of each object.
A timer is an "object" that permits the execution of a particular action at regular intervals.
When the given time expires, the normal execution of the program is interrupted while control is passed to the "timer interrupt routine" until after the execution of the return command.
Then the program continues from the point where it was interrupted.
Let’s explain with an example :
timer0 1000, mytimer wait
mytimer: wlog "mytimer " + time$ return |
Annex WI-Fi Basic implements 2 timers, Timer0 and Timer1.
The Timer0 has a higher priority against Timer1.
Many of the actions are not executed directly by basic commands but can be executed as asynchronous events.
An "event" is simply an action that can be executed when something happens.
For example, pin change interrupts are asynchronous events which can happen at any time without user control.
In order to manage the events, a list of commands "ONxxxx" is provided. These commands define the place where the normal execution of the program will branch to when the event occurs.
So, when the "event" happens, the basic interpreter interrupts the normal execution of the code and "jumps" to the location defined by the corresponding command "ONxxx". As soon as the code associated with the "event" is terminated with the command "return", the basic interpreter continues from the previous interrupted location.
This is a special event that happens every time aBUTTON$ object is clicked in the HTML pages.
When this happens, a special variable HtmlEventButton$ is created containing the name of the button that was clicked.
This is useful to determine the button within a group of buttons.
Let’s see an example:
CLS HTML Button$("ON", buttonEvent) + " " + Button$("OFF", buttonEvent) wait
buttonEvent: print "You clicked on "; HtmlEventButton$ return |
This event is triggered when an object present in the HTML output page changes its value.
It is useful to make actions when something changes in the HTML Pages.
When this event happens, a special variable HtmlEventVar$ is created containing the name of the variable that changed its value.
This is useful to determine the object that generated the event.
Let’s see an example :
CLS text$ = "Change me, please" HTML TEXTBOX$(text$) OnHtmlChange Jump1 'will jump to Jump1 when a variable changes on the web page Wait 'pause waiting for the event
Jump1: Print text$ 'print the content of the variable inside the terminal console Return |
Note that the special variable HtmlEventVar$ is only created when the OnHtmlChange event populates it due to a html object change, therefore it will cause an error if tested for before an object is changed unless specifically defined beforehand, eg: HtmlEventVar$ = “”
This event is triggered when a Websocket connection request is accepted.
This can be used to automatically fill the content of the WEB page each time a client connects to the module.
Let’s see an example :
CLS OnHtmlReload Fill_Page 'will jump to Fill_Page when the page is reloaded gosub Fill_Page 'load the page for the first time Wait 'pause waiting for the event Fill_Page: 'place where the page begins to be created CLS a$ = "Now style me, please<br>" a$ = a$ + "Button1: <button id='but1' type='button'>ON</button> " a$ = a$ + "Button2: <button id='but2' type='button'>OFF</button>" HTML a$ a$ = cssid$("but1", "background-color: red;") a$ = a$ + cssid$("but2", "background-color: green;") HTML a$ Return |
This event is triggered when a code is received by the infrared receiver.
Refer to chapter INFRARED INTERFACE for more details.
This event is triggered when a message is received on the serial port.
"Ram Available "; ramfree |
This event is triggered when a message is received on the serial port #2.
serial2.mode 9600, 2, 5
' set serial port #2 to 9600 pin 2 TX,
pin 5 RX |
This event is triggered when the TFT screen is touched.
Refer to the chapter TouchScreen for more details.
This event is triggered when a UDP message is received.
'set the UDP commmunication using port
v$ |
This event is triggered when a WgetAsync message is received.
This is associated with the command WGETASYNC.
The goal of the WGETASYNC command is to start a html get request without the module having to wait for the answer.
Because the response is async, this command specifies the location where the program should branch to when a message is received.
ONWGETASYNC answer_done WGETASYNC("", 80) For i = 0 to 10000 ' a kind of sleep just to demonstrate that the code continue to run Print i Next i Wait answer_done: Print WGETRESULT$ Return |
This event is triggered as soon as a web client requests for a web page with the url composed with http://local_ip/msg?param=value. This kind of request is typically called an AJAX request as it permits to exchange in both directions between the client (the web browser) and the server (the ESP module).
In fact, in the url request, the client can send parameters in the form of couples of "param=value" separated by the character "&". For example, if the client wants to send 2 parameters, it can send the following request :
As soon as this message is received by the ESP module, the event OnUrlMessage is triggered; this means that the program will continue from the location defined by the command OnUrlMessage.
As soon as the message is received, the parameters sent by the client can be got with the function UrlMsgGet$ and a message can be sent back to the client with the command UrlMsgReturn.
Let’s see an example :
onUrlMessage urlAjax wait
urlAjax: wlog "message received " + UrlMsgGet$("a") + " " + UrlMsgGet$("b") UrlMsgReturn "Message sent back " + time$ print UrlMsgGet$("b"), ramfree return |
Now using another web browser window, let’s type the following url :
As you can see in the following picture, the message is received by the ESP module
At the same time, the client receives the message sent back from the ESP module
If the program is stopped, the module will answer with the message "STOPPED"
Now, let’s see a more complete example :
cls ' this is the default value for pwm out R = 512 G = 512 B = 512 'Setup the pwm channels PWM.SETUP 12, 1, R, 10000, 10 PWM.SETUP 15, 1, G, 10000, 10 PWM.SETUP 13, 1, B, 10000, 10 'Set the default values PWM.OUT 1, R PWM.OUT 2, G PWM.OUT 3, B
' these are the sliders a$ = "" a$ = a$ + |R <input type="range" id="dimmer_R" oninput="setPWM()" onclick="setPWM()" min="0" max="1023" value="| & str$(R) & |"/><br>| a$ = a$ + |G <input type="range" id="dimmer_G" oninput="setPWM()" onclick="setPWM()" min="0" max="1023" value="| & str$(G) & |"/><br>| a$ = a$ + |B <input type="range" id="dimmer_B" oninput="setPWM()" onclick="setPWM()" min="0" max="1023" value="| & str$(B) & |"/><br>| a$ = a$ + |<input type='text' id="txbox" value='---'>| html a$ 'this is the javascript "AJAX" code fun$ = |function setPWM() {| fun$ = fun$ & |r=_$("dimmer_R").value;| fun$ = fun$ & |g=_$("dimmer_G").value;| fun$ = fun$ & |b=_$("dimmer_B").value;| fun$ = fun$ & |var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();| fun$ = fun$ & |"GET", "msg?r=" + r +"&g=" + g +"&b=" + b, false);| fun$ = fun$ & |xmlHttp.send(null);| fun$ = fun$ & |r = xmlHttp.responseText;| fun$ = fun$ & |_$("txbox").value = r;| fun$ = fun$ & |return r;}|
' this is where the javascript code is inserted into the html jscript fun$
'this is where the prog will jump on slider change onUrlMessage message wait
message: print UrlMsgGet$()
PWM.OUT 1, val(UrlMsgGet$("r")) PWM.OUT 2, val(UrlMsgGet$("g")) PWM.OUT 3, val(UrlMsgGet$("b")) UrlMsgReturn UrlMsgGet$() return |
Open the input page in another window and run the program
Using an external RGB led, you’ll be able to directly control its color.
You’ll see how the exchanges can be fast using AJAX exchanges. This program uses javascript embedded into the code. The javascript works with the function XMLHttpRequest.
A good reference for this function is here AJAX - Send a Request To a Server
This event is triggered when a ESP-NOW message is received.
espnow.begin ' init the ESP-NOW onEspNowMsg message ' set the place where jump in case of message reception wait
message: print "Message Received!" return |
This event is triggered when a ESP-NOW transmission error occurs.
This happens, in particular, when the receiver device has not received the message.
espnow.begin ' init the ESP-NOW espnow.add_peer "60:01:94:51:D0:7D" ' set the MAC address of the receiver onEspNowError status ' set the place where jump in case of TX error espnow.write "TX message" ' send the message wait
status: print "TX error on "; espnow.error$ ' print the error return |
This event is generated when a MQTT message is received or an MQTT event happens
.... onmqtt mqtt_msg
wait ' receive messages from the server mqtt_msg: print "TOPIC : "; mqtt.topic$ print "MESSAGE: "; mqtt.message$ return |
This event is generated when a “metadata” is decoded when playing mp3 or streaming a web radio.
At startup, the module will try to connect to the router using any parameters specified in the page “Config”.
If no parameters are specified in the “Config” page, or the connection is unsuccessful, it will default to AP (Access Point) mode with IP address with the SSID composed of ESP(+ mac address).
If the connection is successful, the module will use the IP address defined in the “Config” page or, if no IP address is specified, the IP will be given automatically by the Router DHCP server.
After the module has connected to the router it will try to reconnect automatically if the connection is lost.
There are several commands / functions available to manage the WIFI.
The first function is WIFI.STATUS which permits to get the status of the connection.
print WIFI.STATUS ’ print 3 if connected, 6 if disconnected
The first useful command is WIFI.CONNECT SSID$, password$ [, BSSID$] [, IP$ , MASK$ [, GATEWAY$]]
This command allows you to connect to any WIFI network (STA mode) overriding the parameters defined into the’ “Config” page. This function is async so the connection is done in background, while the program continues to run.
Is then possible to check the status of the connection using the function WIFI.STATUS
Example :
Print "."
pause 500
Using the optional parameter BSSID$, will enable the connection to a specific WiFi access point.
The BSSID represents the MAC address of the WiFi access point (the router) and it is defined as 6 bytes in hex format separated by colon, i.e. AA:BB:CC:12:34:56.
For stand alone configuration or for ESP-NOW applications, there is another command that puts the module in AP mode.
This command is WIFI.APMODE SSID$, password$ [, channel] [, IP$ , MASK$]
The result is immediate and the status can be checked using the function WIFI.MODE (see below).
The channel is optional and is 1 by default.
IMPORTANT : the password must be at least 9 characters
It is eventually possible to control the output power of the module with the command WIFI.POWER pow
WIFI.POWER 5 ’ set the output power at 5 dBm.
The module can also be put in WiFi sleep mode. This mode permits to turn off the WiFi reducing the power requirements of the module; this is very useful for battery oriented applications or for applications where the WiFi is not required.
To put the module in “modem-sleep”, the command to execute is WIFI.SLEEP.
The module will stay in that mode until the execution of the command WIFI.AWAKE.
After this command, the module will reconnect automatically to the router (the command WIFI.CONNECT is not required).
Another function available is WIFI.CHANNEL that shows the current Radio Channel used by the WIFI.
Using the function WIFI.RSSI is it possible to get the intensity of the signal received (RSSI)
It is also possible to scan for the WiFi networks accessible around the module.
This can be done using the command WIFI.SCAN and the function WIFI.NETWORKS(network$).
Example :
The result will be :
Vodaphone, 00:50:56:C0:00:08, -50, 5
Orange, 00:50:56:C0:32:07, -70, 5
Xxxx, 00:50:56:C0:86:CA,-78, 12
These information represent, in the order :
SSID, BSSID(mac address), RSSI(signal intensity), Channel Radio
The function WIFI.MODE returns the current mode of the WIFI connection as below:
0 |
The WIFI is in sleep mode |
1 |
The WIFI is in STATION mode |
2 |
The WIFI is in AP mode |
3 |
The WIFI in AP+STA mode |
The WIFI in AP+STA mode can be obtained by configuring the module in AP mode and then using the command WIFI.CONNECT in the program.
Using a “fake” SSID / password (example WIFI.CONNECT "A", "" ) can be used to switch the WIFI into the AP+STA mode. This can be useful for mixed ESP32 / ESP8266 ESP-NOW operations.
Another Wifi related command is OPTION.MAC mac$ that permits to modify the MAC address of the module.
This is very important for the ESP Now functionality.
Example :
In addition, the functions BAS.SSID$ and BAS.PASSWORD$ returns respectively the login and the password used for the STATION wifi connection.
If a program is defined to run automatically (“Autorun File” in the config page), the WiFi connection process is slightly different.
If the option “Fast boot” in the config page is selected, the program will be executed immediately and the WiFi will be powered ON after a little delay ( 0.1 sec ).
If the command WIFI.SLEEP is executed during the very beginning of the program ( for example as the first line of the program) the WiFi will be simply disabled without using any power.
This enhances the use of the module in low power applications (i.e. on battery).
The WiFi connection can then be restored later using the commands WIFI.CONNECT or WIFI.APMODE.
If the command WIFI.SLEEP is not executed at the beginning of the program, the WiFi connection will be established by default as described in the previous chapter (WiFI CONNECTIONS).
The function BAS.RESETREASON can be used at the beginning of the program to understand the reasons for the restart of the module enabling it to take the appropriate actions.
In addition, the function BAS.WAKEUPREASON can be used to determine the cause of the wakeup from sleep if the module was in deep sleep mode.
In case of any IP or Autorun problem preventing the module from being accessed, it is possible to temporarily bypass the IP settings of the module and disable the Autorun file by connecting the serial TX and RX pins together (GPIO1 to GPIO3) during the startup phase (power up).
This could happen if, for example, a wrong IP address has been set.
Doing this action when restarting the module will put it in AP mode with the IP address at, just like a module that has not been configured.
A message “Recovery Mode” will be printed on the console, but none of the existing files on the module will be modified, including the internal configuration parameters.
In this mode it will be possible to gain access to the module for changing such correct wrong IP parameters using the configuration page.
When the TX/RX link is removed, the module can be rebooted to the configured settings at the next restart.
The module can be put into low energy mode to minimise as much as possible the power requirements.
This mode is called deep sleep and should reduce the power consumption to a few µA but this is a function of each ESP32 module as the power requirement includes the different components installed on the module.
When the module is put into deep sleep all the module activities are stopped, all the memory content of the module is lost except for the RTC memory (this is a special memory block inside the module that holds its content even if the module is reset, but not when the module is powered OFF).
At the end of the sleep period, the module restarts and reloads the program defined as autorun from the beginning (from the first line).
To put the module in deep sleep the following command is available :
SLEEP value [, pin, level]
This command puts the ESP32 in deep sleep (low energy) for 'value' seconds.
At the end of the period, the unit will reboot and reload the default basic program.
' Sleeps for 600 seconds (10 minutes)
The period can go from 1 second to several years (1 year = 31,536,000 seconds)
Optionally, it is possible to wake up the module using an external signal sent on an input pin
In this case the pin and the level must be specified in addition to the time value.
' Sleeps for 3600 seconds (1 Hour) or until the pin 32 goes to high
SLEEP 3600, 32, 1
Only RTC IO can be used as a source for external wake up.
They are pins: 0,2,4,12-15,25-27,32-39.
Level is 1 for wakeup on High and 0 for wakeup on Low
Optionally, this command can be also used to wake up the module using the capacitive touch on an input pin.
In this case the command SLEEP maintains the same syntax but level defines the threshold value for the pin.
Only the following pins can be used for that purpose (capacitive touch) : 0, 2, 4, 12, 13, 14, 15, 27 32, 33
Level must be > 1 to enable the touch (0 and 1 are reserved for the wake up on Low or Wake up on High).
' Sleeps for 3600 seconds (1 Hour) or until the pin 15 is touched
SLEEP 3600, 15, 40 ' Threshold at 40
The RTC memory will survive after the wake up permitting to take trace of the actions done before the sleep.
This memory can be set as below :
BAS.RTCMEM$ = "data to be saved during deep sleep"
And can be read as below :
Note : the RTC memory can hold up to 7680 bytes
The ESP module normally synchronises its date and time from either of two NTP time servers ("" and ""). Optionally an alternative (eg: intranet) time server can be defined using the [CONFIG] page.
Using these servers the ESP doesn’t require any date/time setting (except the configuration of the Time Zone and DST done using the [CONFIG] page).
The timezone is defined as a string likeCET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3 that describes how the local time must be managed in terms of time shift and DST (summer / winter time).
A complete list of timezone strings can be found here :
An internal timekeeper has been included if no time server is available, e.g. no available internet access.
This timekeeper starts from 01/01/1970 00:00:00 and counts the seconds since the power on of the module.
If internet connection becomes available later, the internal timekeeper will sync its time with the NTP servers.
The time can be sync with the NTP time server at any moment using the command OPTION.NTPSYNC.
This time and date can be manually set using the command SETTIME.
The Syntax is :
SETTIME year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds
Set the date to 02 September 2017 at 13:58:12
SETTIME 17, 9, 2, 13, 58, 12
The time and date can also be manually synchronised to the computer using the "Time Sync" button in the File Manager window of the computer utility ‘tool’ if it has a websocket connection.
In both cases of manual setting, the time and date will default back to 1970 defaults at the next module restart, so will require setting again.
For more information about the Time Zones and DST, please consult the following page :
It is also possible to connect an RTC (DS1307 or DS3231) to the module.
See the chapter “RTC Module” for more details.
The following functions use the “Unix Time Stamp” format :
DATEUNIX(date$), TIMEUNIX(time$), UNIXDATE$(value [,format]), UNIXTIME$(value)
The “Unix Time Stamp” is a way to track time as a running total of seconds.
This count starts at the Unix Epoch on January 1st, 1970 at UTC.
Therefore, the unix time is merely the number of seconds between a particular date and the Unix Epoch.
In synthesys :
- DATEUNIX("01/01/18") returns the number of seconds from 01/01/1970 to the specified date 01/01/2018 (1514764800)
- TIMEUNIX("12:30:55") returns the number of second since midnight (45055)
- UNIXDATE$("1532773308") returns 28/07/18
- UNIXTIME$(1532773308) returns 10:21:48
Annex32 includes a FATFS file system hosted on the flash memory chip.
It “emulates” a disk file system enabling it to save and load files in a transparent way.
Depending on the size of the flash chip, the following free space is available :
Flash Chip size |
Free space available |
4M |
[6] 8M |
5MB |
16M |
13MB |
Annex32 can also use an SD CARD connected as described in the chapter SD CARD ADAPTER.
Both the internal FATFS and the SD CARD utilise the FAT32 file system
This means that there are no particular limitations in terms of filename length and directories, compared to the SPIFFS file system limitations hosted in the ESP8266.
Unlike normal variables, filenames and folders are case sensitive.
Annex32 supports SD CARDS up to 16GB.
The internal and the external (SDcard) space are mutually exclusive and cannot be accessed at the same time.
By default Annex32 will use the SD, if available, otherwise it will use the internal flash disk space (FATFS).
Both the internal FATFS and external SD CARD share the same command and functions.
All the file related functions share the same prefix FILE. followed by the specific function.
FILE.COPY(filename$, newfile$) |
Copy the file filename$ into the file newfile$ Returns 1 in case of success or 0 if error |
FILE.DELETE(filename$) |
Delete the file specified by filename$ Returns 1 in case of success or 0 if error |
FILE.EXISTS(filename$) |
Returns 1 if filename$ exists, otherwise returns 0 |
FILE.RENAME(oldname$, newname$) |
Rename the file oldname$ to newname$ Returns 1 in case of success or 0 if error |
FILE.SIZE(filename$) |
Returns the size of the file (in bytes) if the file exist, otherwise returns -1 |
FILE.MKDIR(dirname$) |
Create a directory specified by dirname$ Returns 1 in case of success or 0 if error |
FILE.RMDIR(dirname$) |
Remote the directory specified by dirname$ Returns 1 in case of success or 0 if error |
FILE.DIR$(path$) |
Will search for files and return the names of entries found. path$ represents the directory name. path$ can include wildcards characters as ‘*’, ‘.’ and ‘?’ The function will return the first entry found. To retrieve subsequent entries use the function with no arguments. ie, FILE.DIR$. The return of an empty string indicates that there are no more entries to retrieve. |
FILE.READ$(filename$, [line_num] | [start, length]) |
Returns the content of the file filename$. Specifying line_num, only the corresponding line is read from the file. If start and length options are specified, the file is read from the start position for length characters, otherwise the complete file is read in one go The line number starts from 1. If the line is not existing (reached the end of file), the function will return “_EOF_” to indicate the end of the file. |
FILE.APPEND filename$, content$ |
Append the content of content$ to the file filename$. If the file does not exist, it will be created. The file can be read back using the function FILE.READ$(filename$) File size is only limited by available disk space (internal FFAT or external SD card) |
FILE.SAVE filename$, content$ |
Save the content of content$ to the file filename$. The file can be read back using the function FILE.READ$(filename$) File size is only limited by available disk space (internal FFAT or external SD card) |
FILE.WRITE filename$, content$ |
Same functionalities as the previous command. Implemented for homogeneity with other commands |
FILE.FROMBASE64 source$, dest$ |
Convert the file defined ‘source$’ into the file defined in ‘dest$’. The source file can be in any format but must be encoded in base64 format. Useful for wokwi to store any file in text format |
FILE.TOBASE64 source$, dest$ |
Convert the file defined ‘source$’ into the file defined in ‘dest$’. The source file can be in any format and will be encoded in base64 format. |
See the chapter I/O buffer for more details |
See the chapter I/O buffer for more details |
See the chapter I/O buffer for more details |
See the chapter I/O buffer for more details |
List all the files in the directory /html
d$ = FILE.DIR$("/html") While D$ <> "" wlog d$ d$ = FILE.DIR$ Wend |
File operations "/test.bas", "The quick brown fox " wlog "exists", file.exists("/test.bas") wlog "size", file.size("/test.bas") file.append "/test.bas", "jumps over the lazy dog" wlog "size", file.size("/test.bas") wlog "copy", file.copy("/test.bas", "/AAA.bas") wlog "size", file.size("/AAA.bas") wlog "rename", file.rename("/AAA.bas", "/BBB.bas") wlog "size", file.size("/BBB.bas") wlog "size", file.size("/AAA.bas") wlog "read",$("/test.bas") wlog "delete", file.delete("/BBB.bas") |
The command
retrieves a file from a specified URL (url$) and saves it to the local file path (file_path$). This can be used both as a standalone command or as a function that returns a status code, indicating the success or failure of the download operation.
● url$: A string specifying the URL of the file to download. This should be a valid HTTP or HTTPS URL.
● file_path$: A string specifying the local path where the downloaded file should be saved.
When used as a function,FILE.DOWNLOAD returns an integer value that indicates the status of the download:
● 1: Download completed successfully.
● -1: Not enough space available to download the file.
● -2: Failed to open the file for writing.
● -3: Failed to create an HTTP client.
● Other HTTP error codes: Various HTTP error codes that may be returned by the server (e.g., 404 for "Not Found", 500 for "Internal Server Error").
This command is also useful for downloading (copying) a file from another Annex RDS module. By providing the appropriate URL, you can easily transfer files between modules, which is especially useful for distributing updates or configurations across multiple devices.
● The function handles both HTTP and HTTPS URLs, using a secure client
● The function checks for available space before attempting the download and will abort if there is insufficient space.
● All operations are logged to the serial output for debugging purposes.
Example 1: download from the WEB
FILE.DOWNLOAD "", "/logo.png"
Wlog FILE.DOWNLOAD("", "/logo2.png")
Example 1: download from another Annex RDS Module with IP:
FILE.DOWNLOAD "", "/program1.bas"
Wlog FILE.DOWNLOAD("", "/program1.bas")
print ("", "/logo.png")
The I/O BUFFER is a functionality that gives the capability to hold and manage binary data.
In short, the I/O buffer is a block of RAM memory that can be exchanged as a block or read and written byte per byte. It overcomes the limitation of strings, which are unable to include the character ASCII 0 (NUL).
It has a defined length and can be freely dimensioned and cleared.
It can be used in the code using the IOBUFF keyword, and Annex exposes 5 I/O buffers numbered from 0 to 4.
The I/O buffers can have any size within the limits of the free RAM memory available.
The main goal of this functionality is to interface with all the functions that require exchanges using binary data.
In the current implementation it can be used with :
- Files
- Serial Ports
- I2C
This command allocates memory for an I/O buffer by defining its size.
● Parameters:
○ buff_num: Specifies the buffer ID, ranging from 0 (first buffer) to 4 (last buffer).
○ size: Specifies the size of the buffer in bytes. The value can range from 0 to the maximum available RAM.
● Return Value:
○ The size of the allocated memory or 0 in case of error
● Behaviour:
● Allocates the specified amount of memory to the selected buffer.
● The buffer retains its size until it is manually destroyed or the program ends.
IOBUFF.DIM(0, 1000) 'dimension the I/O buffer 0 with 1000 bytes Print IOBUFF.DIM(1, 25) 'dimension the I/O buffer 1 with 25 bytes (prints 25) |
The IOBUFF.DIM command can also initialise a buffer with a sequence of values during its creation.
● Parameters:
○ buff_num: Specifies the buffer ID, ranging from 0 (first buffer) to 4 (last buffer).
○ size: Specifies the size of the buffer in bytes. The value can range from 0 to the maximum available RAM.
○ data_list: A list of values (e.g., integers, hexadecimal, binary) to store in the buffer.
● Return Value:
○ The size of the allocated memory or 0 in case of error
● Behaviour:
○ Reserves memory for the buffer and populates it with the specified values.
' Fills buffer 0 with 10 values Print IOBUFF.DIM(0, 10) = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ' prints 10 ' Fills buffer 1 with 5 values IOBUFF.DIM(1, 5) = &h12, &hAA, &h50, &O377, &B10101010 |
Releases the memory allocated to a specific buffer.
● Parameters:
○ buff_num: Specifies the buffer ID to be destroyed (0–4).
● Return Value:
○ Always 0
● Behaviour:
○ Frees the memory allocated for the specified buffer.
○ After destruction, the buffer is no longer accessible until reallocated.
IOBUFF.DESTROY(0) ' Destroys buffer 0, releasing its allocated memory |
Note: All buffers are automatically destroyed when the program ends.
Returns the current size (in bytes) of the specified buffer.
● Parameters:
○ buff_num: The ID of the buffer to query (0–4).
● Return Value:
○ The size of the buffer in bytes.
Print IOBUFF.LEN(0) ' Prints the size of buffer 0 |
Reads a single byte from a specified position in a buffer.
● Parameters:
○ buff_num: The ID of the buffer to read from (0–4).
○ position: The byte position to read (0 to buffer length - 1).
● Return Value:
○ The value of the byte at the specified position (0–255).
Print IOBUFF.READ(0, 4) ' Prints the byte at position 4 from buffer 0 A = IOBUFF.READ(0, 7) ' Stores the byte at position 7 in variable A |
Writes a single byte to a specified position in a buffer.
● Parameters:
○ buff_num: Specifies the buffer ID to be destroyed (0–4).
○ position: The byte position to read (0 to buffer length - 1).
○ value: The byte value to write (0–255).
● Return Value:
○ Always 0
● Behaviour:
○ Updates the specified position in the buffer with the given value.
IOBUFF.WRITE(0, 5, 123) ' Writes the value 123 at position 5 of buffer 0 |
The I/O buffers communicate with the other modules using the following syntax:
- xxxx.READ_IOBUFF(buff_num)
Receive data in the buffer buff_num
- xxxx.WRITE_IOBUFF(buff_num, start, size)
Transmit (send) data from the buffer buff_num starting from the position ‘start’ for ‘size’ bytes
- xxxx.REPLY_IOBUFF(buff_num, start, size)
Reply to the sender data from the buffer buff_num starting from the position ‘start’ for ‘size’ bytes
Where xxxx can be :
Detailed syntax :
FILE.READ_IOBUFF(buff_num), filename$ [, position, nb_of_bytes_to_read]
I2C.READ_IOBUFF(buff_num), address, register, nb_of_bytes_to_read
SPI.READ_IOBUFF(buff_num), nb_of_bytes_to_read
UDP.WRITE_IOBUFF(buff_num [, start [, size]]), IP$, port
SERIAL.WRITE_IOBUFF(buff_num [, start [, size]])
SERIAL2.WRITE_IOBUFF(buff_num [, start [, size]])
FILE.SAVE_IOBUFF(buff_num [, start [, size]]), filename$
FILE.WRITE_IOBUFF(buff_num [, start [, size]]), filename$
FILE.APPEND_IOBUFF(buff_num [, start [, size]]), filename$
I2C.WRITE_IOBUFF(buff_num [, start [, size]]), address, register
SPI.WRITE_IOBUFF(buff_num [, start [, size]])
UDP.REPLY_IOBUFF(buff_num [, start [, size]]) [,port]
SPI.REPLY_IOBUFF(buff_num [, start [, size]]), (buff_num_reception)
The IOBUFFER can be used for sending or receiving data.
When used for receiving data, the syntax is always.READ_IOBUFF(buff_num).
When receiving data, it is not necessary to dimension the buffer before as it will be automatically dimensioned depending on the size of the data received. If the buffer was already containing some data, these will be flushed and replaced by the new data.
For example, the following command receives all the data available from the serial port 2 in the buffer 3 :
This command receives the data coming from an UDP connection in the buffer 1:
Additionally some other arguments may be required.
This command reads 512 bytes from the file data.bin starting from the file position 123 in the buffer 0:
FILE.READ_IOBUFF(0), “/data.bin”, 123, 512
This command reads 8 bytes from an I2C device with address 63 from the register 19 in the buffer 4 :
I2C.READ_IOBUFF(4), 63, 19, 8
This command reads 32 bytes from the SPI bus in the buffer 2 :
When used for sending data, the syntax is always .WRITE_IOBUFF(buff_num [, start [, size]])
When sending data, it is possible to send the entire buffer or only a part of it.
Specifying the optional arguments start and size it is possible to define the part of the buffer to be sent; otherwise, if omitted, the entire buffer will be transferred.
For example, the following command sends 10 bytes from the buffer 1 starting from the position 45 to the serial port :
This command sends the complete buffer 1 to the serial port 2
This command sends 8 bytes from the buffer 2 starting from the position 128 to the SPI bus
Additionally some other arguments may be required.
This command sends 12 bytes from the buffer 1 starting from the position 64 to the UDP on the address and port 8080 :
UDP.WRITE_IOBUFF(2, 128, 8), “”, 8080
This command sends the entire buffer 2 on the same UDP device :
UDP.WRITE_IOBUFF(2), “”, 8080
This command writes the buffer 1 to the file data.bin
FILE.WRITE_IOBUFF(1), “data.bin”
This command has the same result and is provided for compatibility with the existing syntax
FILE.SAVE_IOBUFF(1), “data.bin”
This command appends 36 bytes from the buffer 0 starting from the position 25 to data.bin
FILE.APPEND_IOBUFF(0, 25, 36), “data.bin”
This command sends the buffer 2 to the I2C device with address 63 and register 19 :
I2C.WRITE_IOBUFF(2), 63, 19
The same operation but sending only 4 bytes starting from position 0:
I2C.WRITE_IOBUFF(2, 0, 4), 63, 19
The syntax .REPLY_IOBUFF(buff_num [, start [, size]]) defines some kind of special operations.
For example, this command sends the buffer 0 back to the UDP message sender:
This is the equivalent of UDP.REPLY message$ but with the IOBUFFER
Optionally it is also possible specify part of the buffer and the destination port (eg: 5001) as below:
UDP.REPLY_IOBUFF(0, 2, 6), 5001
When used with the SPI bus, it transmits and receives at the same time.
As this operation requires 2 buffers, both must be specified.
For example, this command sends the buffer 0 and receive into the buffer 2:
This command sends 4 bytes from the buffer 0 starting from the position 89 and receive 4 bytes in the buffer 3:
SPI.REPLY_IOBUFF(0, 89, 4), (3)
Several other functions / commands are available for advanced users.
These enable bit, string and hex operations
Convert a String into Buffer Content
● Parameters:
○ buff_num: The ID of the buffer (0–4) where the string will be written.
○ var$: The input string containing the text to be converted, e.g., "This is a text string".
(Optional) The starting position in the buffer where the string
will be written.
Default: 0 (write from the beginning of the buffer).
● Return Value:
○ The number of characters successfully written into the buffer.
○ If used as a command, the return value is ignored.
● Behaviour:
○ Converts the input string (var$) into its binary representation and writes it to the specified buffer (buff_num).
○ If pos is specified, the string starts at the given byte position in the buffer.
○ If the buffer does not have enough space, it is automatically resized to fit the string.
IOBUFF.FROMSTRING(0, "Hello") ' Writes "Hello" into buffer 0 starting at position 0. IOBUFF.FROMSTRING(0, "World", 10) ' Writes "World" into buffer 0 starting at position 10. print IOBUFF.FROMSTRING(0, "World") ' Outputs "5" (the size of the string) |
Convert Buffer Content to a String
● Parameters:
○ buff_num: The ID of the buffer (0–4) to read data from.
: (Optional) The starting position in the buffer for reading
Default: 0 (start from the first byte).
(Optional) The number of bytes to read from the buffer.
Default: Reads from the starting position to the end of the
● Return Value:
○ The text string generated from the specified portion of the buffer content.
● Behaviour:
○ Converts binary data in the specified buffer (buff_num) into a string representation.
○ If start and size are not provided, the entire buffer content is converted to a string.
○ If the specified range (start + size) exceeds the buffer length, only the available data within the range is converted.
○ Non-printable or invalid text characters may result in an incomplete or unexpected string.
● Note:
○ start and size work like MID$ but the 1st byte is 0
IOBUFF.FROMSTRING(0, "Hello, World!") ' Write "Hello, World!" into buffer 0.
text$ = IOBUFF.TOSTRING$(0) ' Convert entire buffer content to a string. PRINT text$ ' Outputs: "Hello, World!"
partial$ = IOBUFF.TOSTRING$(0, 7, 5) ' Read 5 bytes starting from position 7. PRINT partial$ ' Outputs: "World" |
Convert Hexadecimal String to Buffer Content
● Parameters:
○ buff_num: The ID of the buffer (0–4) to store the converted data.
The hexadecimal string to convert.
Must contain only valid hexadecimal characters (0–9
and A–F/a–f) with an even length.
(Optional) The starting position in the buffer where the converted
data will be stored.
Default: 0 (start writing at the beginning of the buffer).
● Return Value:
○ The number of bytes successfully converted and written to the buffer.
○ If used as a command, this return value is ignored.
● Behaviour:
○ Converts the specified hexadecimal string (var$) into its binary representation and writes it into the buffer (buff_num).
○ If pos is specified, the conversion starts from the given position in the buffer.
○ If the string contains invalid characters an error is raised.
○ If the buffer does not have enough space, it is automatically resized.
bytes_written = IOBUFF.FROMHEX(0, "aabbcc1235") PRINT bytes_written ' Outputs: 5 (bytes converted and stored). PRINT IOBUFF.TOHEX$(0) ' Outputs: "AABBCC1235"
IOBUFF.FROMHEX(0, "ff", 10) ' Write single byte (FF) at position 10. PRINT IOBUFF.READ(0, 10) ' Outputs: 255 (decimal value of FF).
' Advanced example IOBUFF.FROMHEX(1, "01020304050607080910") IOBUFF.FROMHEX(1, MID$("abcdef123456", 3, 4), 5) ' Convert "cdef" and write at position 5. PRINT IOBUFF.TOHEX$(1) ' Outputs: "0102030405CDEF080910" |
Convert Buffer Content to Hexadecimal String
● Parameters:
○ buff_num: The ID of the buffer (0–4) containing the data to convert.
(Optional) The starting position in the buffer for the
Default: 0 (start from the beginning of the buffer).
(Optional) The number of bytes to convert from the starting
Default: Converts all bytes from start to the end of the
● Return Value:
○ A hexadecimal string representing the converted binary data from the buffer.
○ Each byte in the buffer is converted to a two-character hexadecimal value (e.g., 255 → "FF").
● Behaviour:
○ Reads the specified range of bytes from the buffer (buff_num) and converts them into a continuous hexadecimal string.
○ If start and size are omitted, the entire buffer is converted.
○ The conversion does not modify the content of the buffer.
● Note:
○ start and size work like MID$ but the 1st byte is 0
IOBUFF.DIM(0, 10) ' Allocate buffer 0 with 10 bytes. IOBUFF.WRITE(0, 0, &hFF) ' Write byte 255 (hex FF) at position 0. IOBUFF.WRITE(0, 1, &hAA) ' Write byte 170 (hex AA) at position 1. PRINT IOBUFF.TOHEX$(0) ' Outputs: "FFAA0000000000000000"
PRINT IOBUFF.TOHEX$(0, 0, 2) ' Outputs: "FFAA" (first two bytes). PRINT IOBUFF.TOHEX$(0, 1, 1) ' Outputs: "AA" (second byte only).
' Advanced example IOBUFF.DIM(1, 20) ' Allocate buffer 1 with 20 bytes. IOBUFF.WRITE(1, 5, &h12) ' Write byte 18 (hex 12) at position 5. IOBUFF.WRITE(1, 6, &h34) ' Write byte 52 (hex 34) at position 6. hex_str$ = IOBUFF.TOHEX$(1, 5, 2) ' Convert bytes at position 5–6 to hex. PRINT hex_str$ ' Outputs: "1234" |
Encode Buffer Content to Base64
Encodes the content of the specified buffer into a Base64-encoded string.
● Parameters:
○ buff_num: The ID of the buffer (0–4) containing the data to encode.
● Return Value:
○ The size of the Base64-encoded string (in bytes).
○ If used as a command, this return value is ignored.
● Behaviour:
○ Converts the binary data in the buffer into a Base64 string.
○ The original data in the buffer is replaced by the Base64 string
○ Automatically resizes the buffer to fit the decoded data.
' Encodes buffer 0 into Base64 and returns the size Base64Size = IOBUFF.TOBASE64(0) Print Base64Size ' Displays the size of the Base64 string |
Decode Base64 String into Buffer Content
Decodes a Base64 string and writes the resulting binary data into the specified buffer.
● Parameters:
○ buff_num: The ID of the buffer (0–4) containing the data to decode.
○ Base64String$: The Base64-encoded string to decode.
● Return Value:
○ The size of the decoded buffer (in bytes).
○ If used as a command, this return value is ignored.
● Behaviour:
○ Decodes the Base64 string into binary data.
○ The original data in the buffer is replaced by the decoded data.
○ Automatically resizes the buffer to fit the decoded data.
' Decodes buffer 0 from Base64 format and returns the size DecodedSize = IOBUFF.FROMBASE64(0) Print DecodedSize ' Displays the size of the Decoded buffers |
Encrypts the data in the buffer using the AES-128 algorithm with PKCS7 padding
● Parameters:
○ buff_num: ID of the buffer (0–4).
○ key$: A 16-character string representing the encryption key (128 bits).
● Return Value:
○ The size of the encrypted buffer (in bytes).
○ If used as a command, this return value is ignored.
● Behaviour:
○ Encrypts the content of the specified buffer in place using the AES-128 algorithm.
○ The original data in the buffer is replaced by its encrypted form.
○ The key must be exactly 16 characters long.
○ The encrypted buffer can only be decrypted using the same key.
○ The buffer content is padded according to the PKCS7 method to ensure alignment with AES-128 block size (16 bytes).
Decrypts data in the buffer using the AES-128 algorithm
● Parameters:
○ buff_num: ID of the buffer (0–4).
○ key$: The 16-character encryption key used during encryption.
● Return Value:
○ The size of the decrypted buffer (in bytes).
○ If used as a command, this return value is ignored.
● Behaviour:
○ Decrypts the content of the specified buffer in place using the AES-128 algorithm.
○ The original encrypted data in the buffer is replaced by its decrypted form.
○ The key must match the one used for encryption.
○ The buffer is unpadded to its original content according to the PKCS7 method.
key$ = "my_Personal_key1" ' Sets the crypting key IObuff.FromString(0, "Hello, World!") ' Converts a string into IO Buffer print IObuff.Encrypt(0, key$) ' Encrypts using a 16 characters key wlog IObuff.ToHex$(0) ' Shows the result in Hex format
wlog IObuff.Decrypt(0, key$) ' Decrypts using the same key wlog IObuff.ToString$(0) ' shows the decrypted string (same as the original) |
Calculates a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) value for a given input buffer.
● Parameters:
○ buff_num: ID of the buffer (0–4) containing the data for which the CRC needs to be calculated.
○ nb_bits: Bit order for the CRC calculation. It can be set from 8 to 32 (i.e. 16 for a 16-bit CRC).
○ polynom: CRC polynomial used in the calculation .
○ initial_value: Initial CRC value. This value is used to initialise the CRC calculation.
○ ref_in: Input reflection flag (1 for true, 0 for false). If set to 1, the input data is processed in reverse bit order.
○ ref_out: Output reflection flag (1 for true, 0 for false). If set to 1, the CRC output is reflected (i.e., processed in reverse bit order).
○ xor_out: Final XOR value. This value is applied to the final CRC value before returning it.
● Return Value:
○ The calculated CRC value, or 0 if the input buffer is empty.
● Behaviour:
○ This function computes the CRC value for the data in the specified I/O buffer. It supports customizable CRC parameters to accommodate different CRC algorithms. You can define the polynomial, initial value, and final XOR value, and also specify whether to reflect the input data and/or output CRC.
○ Nb_bits specifies the bit size of the CRC (e.g., 16-bit, 32-bit).
○ polynom defines the polynomial used for the calculation (e.g., 0x4c11db7 for CRC-32).
○ initial_value is the initial CRC value, commonly 0xffffffff for CRC-32.
○ ref_in and ref_out allow for reflection of input and output bits.
○ xor_out applies an XOR operation to the final CRC value before returning.
● Note:
○ Ensure that the I/O buffer contains the data you want to calculate the CRC for before calling this function. If the buffer is empty, the function returns 0.
CRC Demo Code
This demo code demonstrates how to calculate various CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) values for the string "123456789". It uses a variety of CRC algorithms, from CRC-8 to CRC-32, with different settings for each. The results are compared with expected CRC values, which can be verified using online tools like crc-calculator.
'CRC demo code 'references to a$ = "123456789" wlog IObuff.fromstring(0, a$)
wlog "Algo CRC ", "Expected", "Result" wlog "CRC-8/AUTOSAR", hex$(0xDF), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 8, 0x2F, 0xFF, 0, 0, 0xFF)) wlog "CRC-8/BLUETOOTH", hex$(0x26), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 8, 0xA7, 0x00, 1, 1, 0x00)) wlog "CRC-8/CDMA2000", hex$(0xDA), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 8, 0x9B, 0xFF, 0, 0, 0x00)) wlog "CRC-8/DARC", hex$(0x15), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 8, 0x39, 0x00, 1, 1, 0x00)) wlog "CRC-8/DVB-S2", hex$(0xBC), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 8, 0xD5, 0x00, 0, 0, 0x00)) wlog "CRC-8/GSM-A", hex$(0x37), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 8, 0x1D, 0x00, 0, 0, 0x00)) wlog "CRC-8/GSM-B", hex$(0x94), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 8, 0x49, 0x00, 0, 0, 0xFF)) wlog "CRC-8/HITAG", hex$(0xB4), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 8, 0x1D, 0xFF, 0, 0, 0x00)) wlog "CRC-8/I-432-1", hex$(0xA1), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 8, 0x07, 0x00, 0, 0, 0x55)) wlog "CRC-8/I-CODE", hex$(0x7E), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 8, 0x1D, 0xFD, 0, 0, 0x00)) wlog "CRC-8/LTE", hex$(0xEA), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 8, 0x9B, 0x00, 0, 0, 0x00)) wlog "CRC-8/MAXIM-DOW", hex$(0xA1), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 8, 0x31, 0x00, 1, 1, 0x00)) wlog "CRC-8/MIFARE-MAD", hex$(0x99), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 8, 0x1D, 0xC7, 0, 0, 0x00)) wlog "CRC-8/NRSC-5", hex$(0xF7), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 8, 0x31, 0xFF, 0, 0, 0x00)) wlog "CRC-8/OPENSAFETY", hex$(0x3E), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 8, 0x2F, 0x00, 0, 0, 0x00)) wlog "CRC-8/ROHC", hex$(0xD0), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 8, 0x07, 0xFF, 1, 1, 0x00)) wlog "CRC-8/SAE-J1850", hex$(0x4B), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 8, 0x1D, 0xFF, 0, 0, 0xFF)) wlog "CRC-8/SMBUS", hex$(0xF4), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 8, 0x07, 0x00, 0, 0, 0x00)) wlog "CRC-8/TECH-3250", hex$(0x97), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 8, 0x1D, 0xFF, 1, 1, 0x00)) wlog "CRC-8/WCDMA", hex$(0x25), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 8, 0x9B, 0x00, 1, 1, 0x00)) wlog "CRC-16/ARC", hex$(0xBB3D), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x8005, 0x0000, 1, 1, 0x0000)) wlog "CRC-16/CDMA2000", hex$(0x4C06), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0xC867, 0xFFFF, 0, 0, 0x0000)) wlog "CRC-16/CMS", hex$(0xAEE7), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x8005, 0xFFFF, 0, 0, 0x0000)) wlog "CRC-16/DDS-110", hex$(0x9ECF), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x8005, 0x800D, 0, 0, 0x0000)) wlog "CRC-16/DECT-R", hex$(0x007E), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x0589, 0x0000, 0, 0, 0x0001)) wlog "CRC-16/DECT-X", hex$(0x007F), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x0589, 0x0000, 0, 0, 0x0000)) wlog "CRC-16/DNP", hex$(0xEA82), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x3D65, 0x0000, 1, 1, 0xFFFF)) wlog "CRC-16/EN-13757", hex$(0xC2B7), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x3D65, 0x0000, 0, 0, 0xFFFF)) wlog "CRC-16/GENIBUS", hex$(0xD64E), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x1021, 0xFFFF, 0, 0, 0xFFFF)) wlog "CRC-16/GSM", hex$(0xCE3C), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x1021, 0x0000, 0, 0, 0xFFFF)) wlog "CRC-16/IBM-3740", hex$(0x29B1), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x1021, 0xFFFF, 0, 0, 0x0000)) wlog "CRC-16/IBM-SDLC", hex$(0x906E), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x1021, 0xFFFF, 1, 1, 0xFFFF)) wlog "CRC-16/ISO-IEC-14443-3-A", hex$(0xBF05), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x1021, 0xC6C6, 1, 1, 0x0000)) wlog "CRC-16/KERMIT", hex$(0x2189), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x1021, 0x0000, 1, 1, 0x0000)) wlog "CRC-16/LJ1200", hex$(0xBDF4), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x6F63, 0x0000, 0, 0, 0x0000)) wlog "CRC-16/M17", hex$(0x772B), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x5935, 0xFFFF, 0, 0, 0x0000)) wlog "CRC-16/MAXIM-DOW", hex$(0x44C2), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x8005, 0x0000, 1, 1, 0xFFFF)) wlog "CRC-16/MCRF4XX", hex$(0x6F91), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x1021, 0xFFFF, 1, 1, 0x0000)) wlog "CRC-16/MODBUS", hex$(0x4B37), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x8005, 0xFFFF, 1, 1, 0x0000)) wlog "CRC-16/NRSC-5", hex$(0xA066), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x080B, 0xFFFF, 1, 1, 0x0000)) wlog "CRC-16/OPENSAFETY-A", hex$(0x5D38), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x5935, 0x0000, 0, 0, 0x0000)) wlog "CRC-16/OPENSAFETY-B", hex$(0x20FE), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x755B, 0x0000, 0, 0, 0x0000)) wlog "CRC-16/PROFIBUS", hex$(0xA819), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x1DCF, 0xFFFF, 0, 0, 0xFFFF)) wlog "CRC-16/RIELLO", hex$(0x63D0), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x1021, 0xB2AA, 1, 1, 0x0000)) wlog "CRC-16/SPI-FUJITSU", hex$(0xE5CC), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x1021, 0x1D0F, 0, 0, 0x0000)) wlog "CRC-16/T10-DIF", hex$(0xD0DB), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x8BB7, 0x0000, 0, 0, 0x0000)) wlog "CRC-16/TELEDISK", hex$(0x0FB3), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0xA097, 0x0000, 0, 0, 0x0000)) wlog "CRC-16/TMS37157", hex$(0x26B1), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x1021, 0x89EC, 1, 1, 0x0000)) wlog "CRC-16/UMTS", hex$(0xFEE8), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x8005, 0x0000, 0, 0, 0x0000)) wlog "CRC-16/USB", hex$(0xB4C8), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x8005, 0xFFFF, 1, 1, 0xFFFF)) wlog "CRC-16/XMODEM", hex$(0x31C3), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 16, 0x1021, 0x0000, 0, 0, 0x0000)) wlog "CRC-32/AIXM", hex$(0x3010BF7F), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 32, 0x814141AB, 0x00000000, 0, 0, 0x00000000)) wlog "CRC-32/AUTOSAR", hex$(0x1697D06A), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 32, 0xF4ACFB13, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF)) wlog "CRC-32/BASE91-D", hex$(0x87315576), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 32, 0xA833982B, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF)) wlog "CRC-32/BZIP2", hex$(0xFC891918), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 32, 0x04C11DB7, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF)) wlog "CRC-32/CD-ROM-EDC", hex$(0x6EC2EDC4), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 32, 0x8001801B, 0x00000000, 1, 1, 0x00000000)) wlog "CRC-32/CKSUM", hex$(0x765E7680), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 32, 0x04C11DB7, 0x00000000, 0, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF)) wlog "CRC-32/ISCSI", hex$(0xE3069283), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 32, 0x1EDC6F41, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF)) wlog "CRC-32/ISO-HDLC", hex$(0xCBF43926), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 32, 0x04C11DB7, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF)) wlog "CRC-32/JAMCRC", hex$(0x340BC6D9), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 32, 0x04C11DB7, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1, 1, 0x00000000)) wlog "CRC-32/MEF", hex$(0xD2C22F51), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 32, 0x741B8CD7, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1, 1, 0x00000000)) wlog "CRC-32/MPEG-2", hex$(0x0376E6E7), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 32, 0x04C11DB7, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 0x00000000)) wlog "CRC-32/XFER", hex$(0xBD0BE338), hex$(IObuff.CRC(0, 32, 0x000000AF, 0x00000000, 0, 0, 0x00000000)) |
These bit operations provide low-level control over the buffer's contents, enabling manipulation of individual bits in each byte.
Get the Value of a Specific Bit in a Byte
● Parameters:
○ buff_num: The ID of the buffer (0–4).
○ position: The byte position in the buffer to examine.
○ bit: The bit position within the byte (0–7).
■ 0 is the least significant bit (rightmost bit).
■ 7 is the most significant bit (leftmost bit).
● Return Value:
○ The value of the specified bit within the byte.
■ Returns 0 if the bit is clear (0).
■ Returns 1 if the bit is set (1).
● Behaviour:
○ Extracts the bit value from the specified byte in the buffer.
○ Does not modify the buffer content.
IOBUFF.DIM(0, 2) ' Allocate buffer 0 with 2 bytes. IOBUFF.WRITE(0, 0, &hF0) ' Write byte 240 (hex F0) at position 0. PRINT IOBUFF.BIT(0, 0, 7) ' Outputs: 1 (bit 7 of 0th byte is set). PRINT IOBUFF.BIT(0, 0, 3) ' Outputs: 0 (bit 3 of 0th byte is clear). |
Set a Specific Bit in a Byte
● Parameters:
○ buff_num: The ID of the buffer (0–4).
○ position: The byte position in the buffer where the bit will be set.
○ bit: The bit position (0–7) to be set to 1.
■ 0 is the least significant bit (rightmost bit).
■ 7 is the most significant bit (leftmost bit).
● Return Value:
○ The value of the bit after setting (should always return 1).
○ The return value is ignored if used as a command.
● Behaviour:
○ Sets the specified bit in the specified byte of the buffer to 1.
○ Does not affect other bits in the byte.
○ The function returns 1 but this is typically ignored when used as a command.
IOBUFF.DIM(0, 1) ' Allocate buffer 0 with 1 byte. IOBUFF.WRITE(0, 0, &h01) ' Write byte 1 (hex 01) at position 0. PRINT IOBUFF.SETBIT(0, 0, 7) ' Set bit 7 in byte 0. Returns: 1. PRINT IOBUFF.BIT(0, 0, 7) ' Outputs: 1 (bit 7 is now set). |
Clear a Specific Bit in a Byte
● Parameters:
○ buff_num: The ID of the buffer (0–4).
○ position: The byte position in the buffer where the bit will be cleared.
○ bit: The bit position (0–7) to be cleared to 0.
■ 0 is the least significant bit (rightmost bit).
■ 7 is the most significant bit (leftmost bit).
● Return Value:
○ The value of the bit after clearing (should always return 0).
○ The return value is ignored if used as a command.
● Behaviour:
○ Clears the specified bit in the specified byte of the buffer, setting it to 0.
○ Does not affect other bits in the byte.
○ The function returns 0 but this is typically ignored when used as a command.
IOBUFF.DIM(0, 1) ' Allocate buffer 0 with 1 byte. IOBUFF.WRITE(0, 0, &hFF) ' Write byte 255 (hex FF) at position 0. PRINT IOBUFF.CLEARBIT(0, 0, 7) ' Clear bit 7 in byte 0. Returns: 0 (ignored). PRINT IOBUFF.BIT(0, 0, 7) ' Outputs: 0 (bit 7 is now cleared). |
Toggle a Specific Bit in a Byte
● Parameters:
○ buff_num: The ID of the buffer (0–4).
○ position: The byte position in the buffer where the bit will be toggled.
○ bit: The bit position (0–7) to toggle
■ 0 is the least significant bit (rightmost bit).
■ 7 is the most significant bit (leftmost bit).
● Return Value:
○ The new value of the toggled bit (0 or 1).
○ The return value is ignored if used as a command.
● Behaviour:
○ Toggles the specified bit in the specified byte of the buffer:
■ If the bit is 0, it becomes 1.
■ If the bit is 1, it becomes 0.
○ Does not affect other bits in the byte.
○ The function returns the new value of the bit but this is typically ignored when used as a command.
IOBUFF.DIM(0, 1) ' Allocate buffer 0 with 1 byte. IOBUFF.WRITE(0, 0, &h0F) ' Write byte 15 (hex 0F) at position 0. PRINT IOBUFF.TOGGLEBIT(0, 0, 3) ' Toggle bit 3 in byte 0. Returns: 0. PRINT IOBUFF.BIT(0, 0, 3) ' Outputs: 0 (bit 3 is now toggled). |
Copy Data from One Buffer to Another
● Parameters:
○ dest_buff_num: The ID of the destination buffer (0–4) where the data will be copied to.
(optional) The position within the destination buffer where the
copy will begin.
Defaults to 0 if not specified.
○ source_buff_num: The ID of the source buffer (0–4) from which the data will be copied.
(optional) The starting byte in the source buffer from where
copying will begin.
Defaults to 0 if not specified.
(optional) The number of bytes to copy from the source buffer.
If omitted, it will copy from the start position to the end of the
source buffer.
● Return Value:
○ The number of bytes successfully copied to the destination buffer.
○ If used as a command, the return value is ignored.
● Behaviour:
○ Copies data from a source buffer to a destination buffer.
○ If start and size are specified, only the selected portion of the source buffer will be copied.
○ If pos is specified, it determines where in the destination buffer the data will be copied to.
○ The content of the destination buffer is replaced or modified by the copied data, depending on the pos value.
○ The copy operation automatically resizes the destination buffer if the size exceeds its capacity.
IOBUFF.DIM(1, 10) ' Allocate 10 bytes for buffer 1 (source). IOBUFF.WRITE(1, 0, &h01) ' Write byte 1 at position 0 in buffer 1. IOBUFF.WRITE(1, 1, &h02) ' Write byte 2 at position 1 in buffer 1. IOBUFF.COPY(0, 0), (1, 0, 2) ' Copy 2 bytes from buffer 1 (starting from position 0) to buffer 0 (starting at position 0). PRINT IOBUFF.TOHEX$(0) ' Outputs: "0102" (2 bytes copied to buffer 0). |
UDP - use the remote controller APP for IOS devices (iphone and Ipad)
' I/O buffers example using the RCWController ' available in the IOS app store. ' It uses by default the port 10000 ' The APP sends a block of 10 bytes that ' will be printed in the console on the same line udp.begin 10000
' define the place where jump on message reception onudp received wait
received: ' read the incoming data in the buffer 0 udp.read_iobuff(0) size = iobuff.len(0) print "received "; size; " bytes" for z = 0 to 9 ' read and print 1 byte at the time on the same line print, z), next z Print ' print an empty line return |
File read and transfer to the serial port by blocks
' I/O BUFFERS example using files ' read a file in blocks of 512 characters ' and send them to the serial port (print) fileName$ = "/data8.txt" block_size = 512 ' size of the block to be read file_size = file.size(fileName$) print "File size "; file_size print file_size for z = 0 to file_size - 1 step block_size file.read_iobuff(0), fileName$, z, block_size ' send the block on the serial port (print) serial.write_iobuff(0) next |
Serial port data logger
' I/O BUFFERS example to create a serial data logger ' receive bytes from the serial port and ' write them into the file /mylog.txt ' all the characters will be recorded ' including the ASCII 0 (NUL) filename$ = "/mylog.txt"
' define the place where jump on message reception onserial received wait
received: ' waits for 10 millisec giving time to receive all the data pause 10 ' read the incoming data in the buffer 0 serial.read_iobuff(0) size = iobuff.len(0) print "received "; size; " bytes" ' appends the received data to the file file.append_iobuff(0), filename$ return |
This diagram shows pin mapping for the popular ESP32 DEV Board module.
(*) pins GPIO6 to GPIO11 are not available.
Annex 32, as it supports by default the M5stack wiring, assumes the following pins already allocated/dedicated
32 |
Backlight TFT display |
33 |
RST pin TFT |
27 |
D/C pin TFT |
14 |
CS pin TFT |
23 |
SPI MOSI pin (shared with SD and TFT) |
19 |
SPI MISO pin (shared with SD and TFT) |
18 |
SPI CLOCK pin (shared with SD and TFT) |
4 |
0 |
CS pin Touchscreen (from the TFT) |
3 |
RX0 |
Serial Port RX pin |
1 |
TX0 |
Serial Port TX pin |
25 |
Speaker or mono audio output |
21 |
I2C SDA pin |
22 |
I2C SCL pin |
2 |
Audio DAC I2S DATA pin |
5 |
Audio DAC I2S BCLK pin |
26 |
Audio DAC I2S LRCK pin |
16 |
Optional PSRAM |
17 |
Optional PSRAM |
Pin numbers correspond directly to the ESP32 GPIO pin numbering.
The function of the pin (input / output) must be defined before using the function PIN.MODE as below :
To define the pin 5 as input :
To define the pin 4 as input with a pullup:
To define the pin 4 as input with a pulldown:
To define the pin 2 as output
To define the pin 2 as output open collector
Pins may also serve other functions, like Serial, I2C, SPI.
These functions are normally activated by the corresponding library.
The value from a pîn can be read as shown below :
A = PIN(5)‘ read from GPIO5 pin
The pin value can be set as below
PIN(2)= 0 ‘ set 0 on the GPIO2 pin
The pin value (0 or 1) can also be easily toggled by subtracting it from 1 (because 1-0=1 and 1-1=0), eg:
PIN(2)= 1 - PIN(2)‘ toggles the value of GPIO2 pin
This part is applicable only to the “classic” ESP32 as the other members of the family have different H/W characteristics and
Although pin numbers can be from 0 to 39, gpio pins 6 to 11 should not be used because they are connected to flash memory chips on most modules. Trying to use these pins as IOs will likely cause the program to crash.
Pins 34 to 39 are INPUT only and cannot be configured as PULLUP or PULLDOWN.
If the module is equipped with PSRAM, the gpio pins 16 and 17 are reserved and must not be used.
The command PIN.STRENGTH can be used to define the drive capability of the output pins from a scale from 0 to 3.
For example, the following command set the pin 15 with a drive capability of 2.
The ESP32 provides four drive strength levels for its GPIO pins:
● 0: Weakest drive strength, approximately 5 mA.
● 1: Low drive strength, approximately 10 mA.
● 2: Medium drive strength, approximately 20 mA.
● 3: Maximum drive strength, approximately 40 mA.
Annex supports two commands for serially shifting data:
- PIN.SHIFTOUT for sending data
- PIN.SHIFTIN for receiving data.
Both commands allow control over bit order, bit count, and timing delays.
These commands are in particular useful to control external shift registers or simple SPI bus devices.
The PIN.SHIFTOUT command is used to send data out serially through a specified data pin. It shifts out data bits one at a time, synchronised with a clock signal. The command allows you to specify the order in which bits are shifted (least significant bit first or most significant bit first), the number of bits to shift, and the timing delay between each bit. This command drives the data pin high or low according to the current bit in the data, and toggles the clock pin to indicate when each bit should be read by the receiving device.
● pin_data:
○ Description: GPIO pin number used for the data line.
● pin_clk:
○ Description: GPIO pin number used for the clock line that synchronises the data transfer.
● data :
○ Description: Data to be shifted out.
● Bit_order (optional):
○ Description: Specifies the bit order for shifting data. Possible values:
■ 0 (default) : LSBFIRST Least Significant Bit first.
■ 1 : MSBFIRST Most Significant Bit first.
● Nb_bits (optional):
○ Description: Number of bits to shift out from the data. Default is 8 bits.
● Delay_us (optional):
○ Description: Delay in microseconds between each bit shift. Default is 1 microsecond.
● This command uses critical section management to ensure atomic operations during the data shift process. However, because it relies on software delays, the timing may not be very precise, particularly for delays shorter than 10 microseconds
● Bit Order: The bit order determines whether the least significant bit (LSBFIRST) or the most significant bit (MSBFIRST) is shifted out first.
● Number of Bits: Specifies how many bits from the data value will be shifted out. If not specified, the default is 8 bits.
● Delay: Introduces a delay between the setting of the data pin and toggling of the clock pin to control the timing of the data shift.
PIN.SHIFTOUT 13, 14, 0xFF ' Shift out 8 bits from data 0xFF PIN.SHIFTOUT 13, 14, 0xFF, 1' Shift out 8 bits from data 0xFF with MSBFIRST PIN.SHIFTOUT 13, 14, 0xFFFF, 1, 16, 2 ' Shift out 16 bits from data 0xFFFF with MSBFIRST, 2 µs delay |
The PIN.SHIFTIN function is used to receive data serially through a specified data pin. It shifts in data bits one at a time, using a clock signal to determine when to sample the data pin. Similar to PIN.SHIFTOUT, it allows you to specify the bit order, the number of bits to shift, and the timing delay between each bit. This function reads the state of the data pin in sync with the clock signal, capturing each bit as it arrives and storing it in a variable.
● pin_data:
○ Description: GPIO pin number used for the data line.
● pin_clk :
○ Description: GPIO pin number used for the clock line that synchronises the data reading.
● Bit_order (optional):
○ Description: Specifies the bit order for shifting data. Possible values:
■ 0 (default) : LSBFIRST Least Significant Bit first.
■ 1 : MSBFIRST Most Significant Bit first.
● Nb_bits (optional):
○ Description: Number of bits to read from the data line. Default is 8 bits.
● Delay_us (optional):
○ Description: Delay in microseconds between each bit read. Default is 1 microsecond.
● This command uses critical section management to ensure atomic operations during the data shift process. However, because it relies on software delays, the timing may not be very precise, particularly for delays shorter than 10 microseconds
● Bit Order: Determines whether the least significant bit (LSBFIRST) or the most significant bit (MSBFIRST) is read first.
● Number of Bits: Specifies how many bits will be read from the data line. If not specified, the default is 8 bits.
● Delay: Introduces a delay between each bit read, allowing for control over timing and synchronisation.
A = PIN.SHIFTIN(21, 22) ' Shift in 8 bits from data pin 21 with clock pin 22 B = PIN.SHIFTIN(13, 14, 1) ' Shift in 8 bits from data pin 13 with clock pin 14, reading MSBFIRST C = PIN.SHIFTIN(13, 14, 1, 16, 2) ' Shift in 16 bits from data pin 13 with clock pin 14, reading MSBFIRST, 2 µs delay |
The INTERRUPT command permits to trigger an event when the signal on an input pin changes.
The interrupt is triggered BOTH when the signal goes from LOW to HIGH and HIGH to LOW.
Therefore a momentary pulse actually generates 2 interrupts which need testing for Hi or Lo as appropriate.
pin.mode 12,
input ' set pin 12 as input |
It is possible to add an optional parameter, mode, that specify if the interrupt must be generated on the rising edge, the falling edge or on change:
INTERRUPT pin_no, {OFF | label} [, mode]
- pin_no: The input pin number for which the interrupt is being defined. It must be an integer value ranging from 0 to the maximum pin number supported by the specific variant of the ESP32 (-s2, -c3, -s3).
- label: The branch label to which the program will jump when the designated input pin signal changes. It must be a valid label in the program's context.
- OFF: Use this keyword to remove the interrupt associated with the specified input pin.
- mode (optional): An integer parameter or keyword specifying the trigger condition for the interrupt. It can take one of the following values:
- 1, RISING: Rising edge trigger
- 2, FALLING: Falling edge trigger
- 3, CHANGE: Any change in signal trigger (default if 'mode' parameter is omitted)
- To set up an interrupt that jumps to the 'PIN5_CHANGE' label when a rising edge is detected on pin 5:
- To remove the interrupt associated with pin 5:
- To set up an interrupt that jumps to the 'PIN13_TRANSITION' label when any change is detected on pin 13:
- To set up an interrupt without specifying the trigger mode (defaulting to any change in signal) that jumps to the 'PIN7_UPDATE' label when pin 7 signal changes:
- Interrupts can provide a way to respond to external events asynchronously.
- The optional 'mode' parameter allows you to customize the trigger condition for the interrupt to match your specific application requirements.
The input pin (pin_no) must be previously configured as an input before setting up the interrupt.
Ensure that the specified 'pin_no' and 'label' are valid within the scope of your program.
The maximum pin number supported by the ESP32 variant should be considered based on the specific model (-s2, -c3, -s3).
Annex32 has 8 ADC pins with 12 bits resolution which are available to users.
The function ADC(pin) can be used to read voltage on the pins defined in the table below.
GPIO Pins Available as Analog Input |
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
To read the voltage applied at the pin, the function ADC can be used as below :
print ADC(39)' read voltage from the pin 39
The voltage range is 0 ... 3.3V and the corresponding range returned by the function is 0 … 4095.
NOTE: When using the function ADC,the pin is automatically configured as an Analog Input
Annex32 supports an additional ESP32 feature, the capacitive touch.
With this feature, it is possible to activate inputs with your fingers with just one wire attached to the pin.
The function PIN.TOUCH(pin) can be used to read the touch value on the pins defined in the table below.
GPIO Pins Available as Touch Input |
0 |
2 |
4 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
27 |
32 |
33 |
The function PIN.TOUCH(pin) returns a value that drops as soon as the pin is touched.
Normal values are around 70 when not touched and lower than 20 when touched.
'Pin Touch example 'Place a wire on pin 13 and look how the value changes when touching it while 1 print pin.touch(13) pause 100 wend end |
Annex32 has 2 DAC output pins with 8 bits resolution which are available to users.
This function is available only on the pin GPIO25 and GPIO26
The function PIN.DAC pin, value can be used to set the output voltage on the pin.
The output voltage is approximately 0V @ value=0 and 3.3V @ value=255
'DAC output example PIN.DAC 25, 128 'Set the pin 25 at ~1.65V PIN.DAC 26, 64 'Set the pin 26 at ~0.82V |
NOTE: When using the command PIN.DAC,the pin is automatically configured as an Analog Output
The ESP32 contains several H/W interfaces that can be controlled by Annex32 WI-Fi using specific commands and functions.
This functionality permits to control the output duty cycle of any pin, acting like an analog output.
There are 16 channels available where each channel can be connected to any output pin.
To use it, the function must first be configured using the command PWM.SETUP and then the value can be set using the command PWM.OUT.
The frequency and the resolution can be defined individually for each channel.
The resolution can be from 1 to 15 bits.
The maximal frequency is 80000000 / 2^resolution
This table resumes the maximal frequency available in function of the resolutions and the associated range:
1 |
40000000 |
0 ... 1 |
2 |
20000000 |
0 ... 3 |
3 |
10000000 |
0 ... 7 |
4 |
5000000 |
0 .. 15 |
5 |
2500000 |
0 .. 31 |
6 |
1250000 |
0 … 63 |
7 |
625000 |
0 … 127 |
8 |
312500 |
0 … 255 |
9 |
156250 |
0 … 511 |
10 |
78125 |
0 … 1023 |
11 |
39063 |
0 … 2047 |
12 |
19531 |
0 … 4095 |
13 |
9766 |
0 … 8191 |
14 |
4883 |
0 … 16383 |
15 |
2441 |
0 … 32767 |
All the output pins can be used for the PWM (the pins from GPIO0 to GPIO33).
As there are 16 channels, up to 16 individual output pins can be used.
If using the M5Stack, the channels 0 and 7 are already reserved and attached to the pins 25 and 32.
In this case the channels 0 and 7 must be avoided.
To setup an output pin as a PWM output the following command must be used :
For example, to define a PWM output at 5KHz with 12 bits of resolution on the pin GPIO5 the command is :
PWM.SETUP 5, 1, 2048, 5000, 12 ‘ pin 5, channel 1, output value at 2048 (50%), 5KHz, 12 bits
As the resolution is set at 12 bits, the range will be from 0 to 4095 (hence 2048 is 50%).
To define a PWM output at 10KHz with 8 bits on the pin GPIO22, the command is :
PWM.SETUP 22, 2, 128 ‘ pin 22, channel 2, value 128 ( 50%) , freq 10 KHz (default), resolution 8 bits (default)
As soon as the command PWM.SETUP is done, the PWM output can simply be changed with the command :
For example, the command
PWM.OUT 1, 1000
Set the channel 1 (associated with the pin 5 in the previous command) at 1000.
And the command
PWM.OUT 2, 10
Set the channel 2 (associated with the pin 22 in the previous command) at 10
To disconnect the pin from the PWM output the command is :
For example the command
Disconnect the pin 5 fro the PWM
NOTE for the M5stack:
The channel 0 is dedicated to the internal speaker (pin 25)
The channel 7 is dedicated to the TFT backlight (pin 32)
This functionality exposes the ability to control RC (hobby) servo motors.
There are no special commands dedicated as the servo can simply be used by setting a PWM pin with a 50Hz frequency.
For example, the following command :
PWM.SETUP 17, 1, 150, 50, 12
Defines the pin 17 with the pwm channel 1 with a default value of 150 (frequency at 50 Hz and resolution at 12 bits).
The output can then be set with the command
PWM.OUT 1, 307‘ channel 1 set at 90°
A typical servo motor expects to be updated every 20 ms with a pulse between 1 ms and 2 ms, or in other words, between a 5 and 10% duty cycle on a 50 Hz waveform. With a 1.5 ms pulse, the servo motor will be at the natural 90 degree position. With a 1 ms pulse, the servo will be at the 0 degree position, and with a 2 ms pulse, the servo will be at 180 degrees. You can obtain the full range of motion by updating the servo with any value in between.
Using a 12 bits resolution (max value = 4095 for 20 msec pulse (1/50 Hz)), the theoretical values should be :
0° -> 1 msec -> 1/20 * 4096 = 205
90° -> 1.5 msec -> 1.5/20 * 4096 = 307
180° -> 2 msec -> 2/20 * 4096 = 409
Generating Tones
This section introduces the functionality of generating tones using the PWM.TONE command.
This command provides the means to create tones using the PWM.
The PWM.TONE command follows a concise syntax:
PWM.TONE channel, frequency [, duration_ms]
- channel: Selects a specific PWM channel for tone output.
- frequency: Specifies the frequency of the generated tone in Hertz (Hz).
- duration_ms: (Optional) Defines the duration of the tone in milliseconds (ms). If omitted, the tone will play indefinitely.
Practical Examples
Example 1: Single Tone
To generate a continuous tone at 1000 Hz on channel 1, use:
PWM.TONE 1, 1000
This command establishes a steady 1000 Hz tone on channel 1.
Example 2: Timed Tone
For a tone lasting 200 ms at 2000 Hz on channel 2, apply:
PWM.TONE 2, 2000, 200
Channel 2 will produce a tone at 2000 Hz for a duration of 200 milliseconds.
Example 3: Stopping a Tone
To halt an ongoing tone on channel 1, use the following command
PWM.TONE 1, 0 command
Prior to using PWM.TONE, ensure proper channel setup using the PWM.SETUP command, for example using PWM.SETUP 5, 1, 0. (pin 5, channel1, default output at 0)
Be mindful of the channel's frequency range and resolution limits.
I²S (Inter-IC Sound), is an electrical serial bus interface standard used for connecting digital audio devices together. It is used to communicate PCM audio data between integrated circuits in an electronic device.
The I²S bus separates clock and serial data signals, resulting in a lower jitter than is typical of communications systems that recover the clock from the data stream.
Despite the name similarity, I²S is unrelated to the bidirectional I²C (I2C) bus.
The bus consists of three lines:
Bit clock line
- Typically called "bit clock (BCLK)". PIN GPIO5
Word clock line
- Typically called "left-right clock (LRCLK)" or “Word Select (WSEL)”. PIN GPIO26
Data line
- Typically called "serial data (SD)". Can also be called (SDIN, SDOUT or DATA). PIN GPIO2
The typical use of the I2S is to connect an external DAC to provide a High Quality stereo sound output.
Using the commands, it will be possible to play MP3 and WAV files directly from the disk.
Any generic I2S DAC can be used.
Annex32 has been successfully tested with the PC5102A and the UDA1334A
This module requires the following setting (solder joints)
Component side:
Next to the sck connection
Back side:
1 set to L
2 set to L
3 set to H
4 set to L
It is now also possible to use the CODEC ES8388 using the command OPTION.ES8388
The M5stack contains an internal speaker connected, via an audio amplifier, to the pin GPIO25.
This permits the generation of audio signals using the internal 8 bits DAC.
Using the commands, it will be possible to play MP3 and WAV files directly from the disk.
It is possible to connect an earphone directly on the output between the pin GPIO25 and the ground but the best is to connect a little audio amplifier.
NOTE: it is recommended to put a capacitor ( ~100nF) between the GPIO25 and the audio amplifier in order to remove the DC component from the audio signal.
The I²C bus allows the module to connect to I²C devices.
I²C uses only two bidirectional open-drain lines, Serial Data Line (SDA) and Serial Clock Line (SCL), pulled up with resistors (typically 4.7K to 10K).
The I²C has a 7 bit address space permitting, theoretically, to connect up to 126 I/O devices.
The maximal number of nodes is limited by the address space and also by the total bus capacitance of 400 pF, which restricts practical communication distances to a few meters. The relatively high impedance and low noise immunity requires a common ground potential, which again restricts practical use to communication within the same PC board or small system of boards.
The current implementation is master mode @ 100Khz by default.
The SDA and SCL pins can be freely defined using the command I2C.SETUP sda_pin, scl_pin.
For example, to define pins 21(SDA) and 22(SCL) the command is :
I2C.SETUP 21, 22
It is important to provide correct pullup resistors on these lines; values between 4.7K to 10K should be appropriate.
The commands available are :
The functions available are :
There are also other advanced functions / commands to simplify exchanges with the i2c bus.
The advanced commands available are :
The advanced functions available are :
The I2C bus can also be used with the IO Buffers ( look at the dedicated chapter)
As all the devices can have a "not well" determined address, please find here a little i2c scanner program which returns the address of all the devices found connected to the bus
'I2C Address Scanner 'print in the console the address of the devices found I2C.SETUP 21, 22 ' set I2C port on pins 21 and 22
for i = 0 to 120 i2c.begin i if i2c.end = 0 then print "found "; i , hex$(i) pause 10 end if next i
end |
This is an example of connection of a module with PCF8574 bought on Ebay at less than 2€
This drawing shows how this module must be connected to the ESP32.
It provides 8 digital inputs or outputs.
This is an example of code that "drives" this module:
I2C.SETUP 21, 22 ' set I2C port on pins 21 and 22 device_address = 32 'set to module i2c address 'Write from 0 to 255 on the module 'Each pin will blink at different frequency For i = 0 to 255 PCF8574_write i Next i
'Read all the inputs 'The result is printed into the serial console ' put all the inputs at pullup state PCF8574_write 255
r = 0 For i = 0 to 1000 PCF8574_read r Print r Next i End
sub PCF8574_write(x) i2c.begin device_address i2c.write x i2c.end end sub
sub PCF8574_read(x) i2c.reqfrom device_address, 1 x = i2c.end end sub |
This is another example of connection of a module with ADS1115 bought on Ebay at less than 2€.
This is a 16 Bit ADC 4 channel Module with Programmable Gain Amplifier.
Because the module already contains two 10K I2C pullups, no external resistors are required
As this device is quite simple to interface, it can be directly driven using a “driver” written in basic.
' ADS1115 Driver for Annex ' datasheet ' ADS1115 Registers ADS1115_ADDRESS = &h48 ADS1115_CONV_REG = 0 : ADS1115_CONF_REG = 1 ADS1115_HI_T_REG = 2 : ADS1115_LO_T_REG = 3
i2c.setup 21, 22 ' set I2C bus
' Set the ADS1115 with : ' AINp = AIN0 and AINn = AIN1 ' FSR = ±4.096 V ' 16 SPS ADS1115_setup 0, 1, 1
' scale in volt scale = 4.096 / 32768
v = 0 for i = 0 to 100000 ADS1115_read v ' read from the module print v * scale next i
'--------------------------------------------------------- ' INPUT MULTIPLEX : ' AINp is the input positive ' AINn is the input negative '0 : AINp = AIN0 and AINn = AIN1 '1 : AINp = AIN0 and AINn = AIN3 '2 : AINp = AIN1 and AINn = AIN3 '3 : AINp = AIN2 and AINn = AIN3 '4 : AINp = AIN0 and AINn = GND '5 : AINp = AIN1 and AINn = GND '6 : AINp = AIN2 and AINn = GND '7 : AINp = AIN3 and AINn = GND
'GAIN '0 : FSR = ±6.144 V '1 : FSR = ±4.096 V '2 : FSR = ±2.048 V '3 : FSR = ±1.024 V '4 : FSR = ±0.512 V '5 : FSR = ±0.256 V '6 : FSR = ±0.256 V '7 : FSR = ±0.256 V
'DATA RATE '0 : 8 SPS '1 : 16 SPS '2 : 32 SPS '3 : 64 SPS '4 : 128 SPS '5 : 250 SPS '6 : 475 SPS '7 : 860 SPS sub ADS1115_setup(inp_mux, gain, rate) local conf conf = (inp_mux << 12) or (gain << 9) or (rate << 5) or 3 ' + disable comp 'use the IO Buffer 0 for writing iobuff.dim(0,2) = (conf and &hff00) >> 8 , conf and &hff i2c.write_iobuff(0), ADS1115_ADDRESS, ADS1115_CONF_REG end sub
sub ADS1115_read(ret) 'use the IO Buffer 0 for reading i2c.read_iobuff(0), ADS1115_ADDRESS, ADS1115_CONV_REG, 2 if iobuff.len(0) = 0 then print "No communication" ret = 0 else ret =, 0) << 8 +, 1) end if if ret > 32768 then ret = ret - 65536 end sub |
This is another example for connecting an I2C module, an MCP20S17 bought on Ebay at less than 2€.
This module provides 16 GPIO pins that can be used as digital inputs or outputs.
Because the module already contains two 10K I2C pullups, no external resistors are required
As this device is quite simple to interface, it can be directly driven using a “driver” written in basic.
' MCP23017 Driver for Annex ' datasheet I2C.SETUP 21, 22 ' set I2C port on pins 21 and 22 device_address = 32 'set to module i2c address
'MCP23017 internal registers IODIRA = 0 : IODIRB = 1 : IPOLA = 2 : IPOLB = 3 GPINTENA = 4 : GPINTENB = 5 : DEFVALA = 6 : DEFVALB = 7 INTCONA = 8 : INTCONB = 9 : IOCONA = 10 : IOCONB = 11 GPPUA = 12 : GPPUB = 13 : INTFA = 14 : INTFB = 15 INTCAPA = 16 : INTCAPB = 17 : GPIOA = 18 : GPIOB = 19 OLATA = 20 : OLATB = 21
i2C.WriteRegByte device_address, IOCONA, &h08 ' init MCP23S17 with bit HAEN i2C.WriteRegByte device_address, IODIRA, &hFF ' all PORT A pins as input i2C.WriteRegByte device_address, GPPUA, &hff ' set PORT A pullup on all pins i2C.WriteRegByte device_address, IODIRB, &h00 ' all PORT B pins as output
r = 0 for z = 0 to 255 I2C.WriteRegByte device_address, GPIOB, z ' pulse all GPIOB pins r = i2C.ReadRegByte(device_address, GPIOA) ' read all GPIOA pins print r pause 100 next z |
The SPI bus allows the module to connect to SPI devices.
The Serial Peripheral Interface bus (SPI) is a synchronous serial communication interface used for short distance communication between devices.
SPI devices communicate in full duplex mode using a master-slave architecture where the ESP32 is the master. The ESP32 generates the frame for reading and writing.
Multiple slave devices are supported through selection with individual chip select (CS) lines.
The SPI bus utilise four logic signals:
Serial Clock (output from the ESP32) |
GPIO18 |
Master Input Slave Output (data input to the ESP32) |
GPIO19 |
Master Output Slave Input (data output from the ESP32) |
GPIO23 |
CS |
Chip Select (often active low, output from the ESP32) |
Any output pin, controlled automatically |
Because these pins are allocated by default, they may not not be available, by default, to be used as generic GPIO pins.
For that the command SPI.STOP enable to recover the control on these I/O pins
CS pin
As many devices can be connected in parallel, sharing the same SCLK, MISO and MOSI signals, each device is controlled individually using an individual CS signal.
As Annex32 implements multitasking, in order to guarantee that the CS signal is generated in phase with the data to be transferred, the CS pin is managed automatically.
The command SPI.CSPIN pin [, polarity] permits the pin associated with the device to be controlled. Additionally, it permits to define the polarity as 0 = active low (default) and 1 = active high.
SPI Mode: Polarity and Clock Phase
The SPI interface defines no protocol for data exchange, limiting overhead and allowing for high speed data streaming. Clock polarity (CPOL) and clock phase (CPHA) can be specified as ‘0’ or ‘1’ to form four unique modes to provide flexibility in communication between master and slave as shown below :
If CPOL and CPHA are both ‘0’ (defined as Mode 0) data is sampled at the leading rising edge of the clock. Mode 0 is by far the most common mode for SPI bus slave communication.
If CPOL is ‘1’ and CPHA is ‘0’ (Mode 2), data is sampled at the leading falling edge of the clock. Likewise, CPOL = ‘0’ and CPHA = ‘1’ (Mode 1) results in data sampled on the trailing falling edge and CPOL = ‘1’ with CPHA = ‘1’ (Mode 3) results in data sampled on the trailing rising edge.
The table below summarizes the available modes.
Mode |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
The data can also be sent MSB first or LSB first.
This is defined as bit order and is MSB first by default
Even if the chip is able to achieve 80Mhz, the maximum realistic SPI speed is 40Mhz.
The commands available are :
SPI.SETUP speed [,data_mode [, bit_order]]
SPI.CSPIN pin [, polarity]
The functions available are :
ret = SPI.BYTE(byte)
a$ = SPI.STRING$(data$, len)
a$ =
As said previously, because the ESP32 uses multitasking, it is impossible to warrant the exclusive use of the SPI bus during the execution of the script (it could be used by the SD card or the TFT, for example).
For this reason, the CS pin is managed internally by Annex directly by the SPI functions.
This is defined with the command SPI.CSPIN pin [, polarity]
The optional parameter polarity defines if the CS signal must be active low (0 = default) or active high (1).
This command will set the pin automatically as output.
The SPI bus can also be used with the IO Buffers ( look at the dedicated chapter)
Look at the examples below for more details:
This is an example of connection of a module with 74HC595 bought on Ebay at less than 2€
This drawing shows how this module must be connected to the ESP8266.
It provides 8 digital outputs.
This is an example of code that "drives" this module:
'Write from 0 to 255 on the module 'Each pin will blink at different frequency
spi.setup 100000 ' set the SPI port at 100KHz SPI.CSPIN 15, 1 ' defines the pin 15 as CS active high for i = 0 to 255 r = spi.byte(i) next i
end |
This is another example for connecting an SPI module, an MCP23S17 bought on Ebay at less than 2€.
This module provides 16 GPIO pins that can be used as digital inputs or outputs.
As this device is quite simple to interface, it can be directly driven using a “driver” written in basic.
This is an example using the SPI pins and the GPIO15 as CS signal
' MCP23S17 Driver for Annex ' datasheet
spi.setup 1000000
'MCP23S17 SPI address MCP23S17_ADDR = &h40 ' assumes A2, A1, A0 to GND 'MCP23S17 internal registers IODIRA = 0 : IODIRB = 1 : IPOLA = 2 : IPOLB = 3 GPINTENA = 4 : GPINTENB = 5 : DEFVALA = 6 : DEFVALB = 7 INTCONA = 8 : INTCONB = 9 : IOCONA = 10 : IOCONB = 11 GPPUA = 12 : GPPUB = 13 : INTFA = 14 : INTFB = 15 INTCAPA = 16 : INTCAPB = 17 : GPIOA = 18 : GPIOB = 19 OLATA = 20 : OLATB = 21
MCP23S17_WRITE IOCONA, &h08 ' init MCP23S17 with bit HAEN MCP23S17_WRITE IODIRA, &h00 ' all PORT A pins as output MCP23S17_WRITE IODIRB, &hff ' all PORT B pins as input MCP23S17_WRITE GPPUB , &hff ' all PORT B pins as pullup
v = 0 for i = 0 to 255 for z = 0 to 255 MCP23S17_WRITE GPIOA, z ' pulse all GPIOA pins MCP23S17_READ GPIOB, v ' read all GPIOB pins print v next z next i End
' function for read / write the MCP23S17 sub MCP23S17_WRITE(register, value) SPI.CSPIN 15 a = SPI.byte(MCP23S17_ADDR) a = SPI.byte(register) a = SPI.byte(value) end sub
sub MCP23S17_READ(register, value) local a |